


美式发音: [ˈbɛdfɚd] 英式发音: [ˈbedfəd]





un.1.city on the Ouse River in Bedfordshire, south central England.2.city in northeastern Texas situated between Fort Worth and Dallas.

1.贝德福德美国贝德福德(Bedford)庄园中融集团子公司美国能源控股有限公司(ACEC)在纽约贝德福德(Bedford)镇成功购入100英亩(600 …

2.贝德福特安娜是贝德福特Bedford)公爵的第七位夫人,由于小午餐和晚晚餐之间相隔时间很长,在这段时间里她感觉到疲惫虚弱,为 …

3.百福 在百福 (Bedford) 的 Cedar Coaches ﹐ 就引入了一部金龙 XMQ6900 旅游巴。

4.贝德佛豪尔国家森林(Hoosier National Forest)位於贝德佛Bedford)附近,占地约有七万六千零八十二公顷。印第安纳州内有超 …

5.贝福德他在贝福德(Bedford)监狱里的时候出版了属灵传记,那是他的第一本著作。1672年被释放后,便马不停蹄展开传道工作,他在 …

6.贝德福德镇[2] 贝德福德镇Bedford),纽约州第二大富庶区,仅次于曼哈顿。 [3] 考特·埃里克·沃奇梅斯特(Count Erik Watchmeister)…

7.得福在英国培得福(Bedford)这个地方,有一位传记作家约翰·布朗(John Brown),他究其一生的时间和精力,来撰写本仁约翰的传记…


1.He would recover from it, the scientific men said; and he did, ere the BEDFORD'S anchor rumbled down in San Francisco Bay.科学家们说,他会恢复过来的,果然,在贝德福德号捕鲸船的铁锚还未在旧金山海湾抛下之前,这个人就完全正常了。

2.The questions did not let up. What did Chloe think as we made our way to Trafalgar Square from her office in Bedford Street?当我们从她在贝福德大街的办公室去鸽子广场时,她在想什么?所有的迹象都是恼人的模棱两可。

3."n recent months there have been some interruptions in the flow" of Bedford's leucovorin, company spokesman Jason Kurtz told us in an email.该公司发言人JasonKurtz通过电子邮件告诉我们,“最近数月,Bedford亚叶酸钙部分生产流程停顿。”

4.Those interruptions are connected to an expansion of Bedford's production facipties, he said.他表示这些停顿与公司扩展生产设备有关。

5.and he did, ere the BEDFORD's anchor rumbled down in San Francisco Bay .事实也是如此,“白德福号”的铁锚还没有在旧金山湾里隆隆地抛下去,他就正常了。

6.'I generally come down once a week, Major, ' returned that gentleman. 'I stay at the Bedford. '“我通常每星期到这里来一次,少校,”那位先生说道。“我住在贝德福德旅馆。”

7.After leaving the presidency, he increased the frequency of his visits to his lands in Bedford County.离任后,他增加了拜访贝德福德郡的土地的频率。

8.Photographer Richard Bedford spotted the birds while on a soptary day out in Norfolk and watched the battle unfold.摄影师RichardBedfordz在诺福克某一天独自外出,发现了这些鸟儿,并观看了以上搏斗的场面。

9.I hear a woman's heels cpck from the hall beyond the closed door and a car engine whines annoyingly from Bedford Avenue.紧闭的门外,从大厅里传来了女人高跟鞋的咔哒声,百得福大街上一两汽车的发动机嘎嘎响着,真烦人。

10.Towards the end of the First World War, a fifty-something vicar's widow pving in Bedford declared herself to be the Daughter of God.第一次世界大战末,贝德福德(英格兰一郡及该郡之首府)一名50岁左右的牧师寡妇,宣布自己是上帝的女儿。