




1.贝狄威尔 高文( Gawain) 贝迪威尔( Bedivere) 梅林( Merpn) ...

4.贝德维尔的名字一桌,而这12人分别是:『亚瑟王(Arthur)、贝德维尔骑士Bedivere)、伊安骑士(Ian)、尔温骑士(Gawain)、威 …


1.At the end of the day, Mordred is the only man of his army left standing, and Arthur has only two knights, Sir Lucan and Sir Bedivere .在一天结束时,摩瑞军队只剰下摩瑞一人存活,而亚瑟王这边也只有两个武士鲁肯和贝弟瑞和存活。

2.the boat moved away slowly . sir bedivere watched the boat on the lake until it disappeared.船慢慢地走了。贝德维尔爵士注视着湖面上的船,直至它消失。

3.Bedivere wanders through a forest until he comes to where a hermit is kneepng over a fresh grave.贝弟瑞和一直在森林中中游荡,直到他看到有一位隐士跪在一个刚盖好的坟墓前祭拜。

4.Bedivere hides the sword under a tree, thinking it too precious to throw away, then returns and says he has obeyed.贝弟瑞和想这麽珍贵的的剑不忍心把它丢掉,便把宝剑藏在树下,回报亚瑟王他已执行任务。

5."What did you see? " Arthur asks. Bedivere says he saw only waves and winds.亚瑟王问他:你看到了什麽了?他回答他只看到涟漪和风。

6.Then at Arthur's command, Bedivere carries the king to the waterside, where a barge awaits him and some ladies in black hoods.然后在亚瑟王的命令下,贝弟瑞和带他来到水边,那儿有一艘船及几位头戴著黑色头巾的少女正等著他。

7.Sir Bedivere obeyed and said, "What can I do without you, my king? "贝德维尔爵士照办了,说:“没有了您,我该怎么办呢我的国王?”