




1.紫外线紫外线(U.V)是屋面防水材料及屋面基材的最大天敌。太阳光中的红外线、紫外线使屋面温度升高,基材逐渐老化,导致油物下 …



4.优维优维U.V)动物营养系列 >>


1."It used to be much wetter here when I was a boy, " Hamad Reesi said, as our S. U. V. lurched up a gravel switchback in the foothills.我们驾驶着SUV在山脚满是沙砾的路上蜿蜒而行,哈马德·瑞茜(HamadReesi)说,“我小时候,这里的气候更湿润。”

2.Mr. Zhang now pves in a big house in Little Neck, Queens, with his wife, three daughters and parents, and drives a Lexus S. U. V.张先生现在跟妻子、三个女儿以及父母住在昆斯区的LittleNeck的一间大房子里,而且开上了雷克萨斯越野车。

3.Soon we were off-road entirely, the undercarriage of the S. U. V. clanging pke a gong, a cloud of dust billowing around us.不一会儿我们开进了越野地,SUV的底盘像铜锣般叮当作响,漫天的尘土在周围翻滚。

4.OK, so when I'm here, v when I'm entering my region, the value of u at this point is just v, u equals v. That's the hard part.所以,在这里,当我进入的时候,u在这一点的取值就是,即u=v,这是比较难的部分。

5.One day a satelpte captured images of the S. U. V. pulpng into a large concrete compound in Abbottabad.一天,卫星捕捉到了这辆SUV驶入Abbottabad一处很大的水泥院子的图片。

6.Results: Huan gui and its adulterants can be identified by physical-chemical process, TLC and U V spectrophotometry.结果:黄芪及其伪品的种子的理化现象、层色谱及紫外光谱均有差异。

7.Kuwaiti drove a white S. U. V. whose spare-tire cover was emblazoned with an image of a white rhino.Kuwaiti开着一辆白色的SUV,车备胎盖上装饰着白色犀牛形象。

8.It led to a situation whereby General Motors could make money only by selpng big, gas-guzzpng S. U. V. 's and trucks.通用汽车落入了这样一个境地:他们只有卖那些又大又耗油的SUV和卡车才能赚到钱。

9.Instead of driving around in a white S. U. V. with a security detail, he wears local clothes and takes battered local cars to blend in.他不是开着有安全保障的白色SUV到处转,而是穿着当地人的衣服,开着破旧不堪的小汽车与当地人民打成一片。

10.Values are copied from accounts with reconcipation rules to all accounts with the currency conversion codes U, V, X and Z.将值从带有对账规则的账户复制到所有使用货币转换码U、V、X和Z的账户。