


美式发音: [biːtʃ] 英式发音: [biːtʃ]






1.[u][c]山毛榉a tall forest tree with smooth grey bark , shiny leaves and small nuts

forests planted with beech山毛榉林

beech hedges山毛榉树篱

The great beeches towered up towards the sky.一棵棵山毛榉高耸入云。

2.[u]山毛榉木材the wood of the beech tree


n.1.[Plant]a tall tree with smooth grey bark, glossy leaves and small nuts

1.山毛榉 plane tree 悬铃树 beech 山毛榉 horse chestnut 七叶树 ...

2.榉木 ) g Batten board 条板心细木工板& [ Beech 山毛榉木 ) |8 f Blockboard 细工木板 ...

4.欧洲山毛榉 sandalwood 白檀木.檀香木 beech 三毛榉 ebony 黑檀木(乌木) ...

7.山毛榉地板山毛榉地板BEECH) 选自湘、鄂西及黔、滇山区之原始森林,边材褐色微红,心材浅红褐色,木材有光泽,材身有木射线, …

8.山毛榉树最有趣的一点细节:他们的生活环境中有山毛榉树beech)和鲑鱼(salmon),但没有狮子(pon)。因为前两个词几乎出现 …


1.There were four or five trees that we visited regularly----tall beech es, easy to cpmb and comfortable to sit in.我们是四、五棵树的常客——这些高高的山毛榉易于攀爬,坐在上面舒服极了。

2.Take a read of what my colleague Hannah Beech, TIME's China bureau chief, had to say in a recent magazine essay.大家可以看看我的同事,时代周刊中国部总编辑HannahBeech最近在杂志上发表的文章。

3.The committee for the class picnic party made careful plans for a beech party but they reckoned without a sudden change in the weather.班级野餐委员会精心计划了海滩交谊会,但是他们没有料到天气的突然变化。

4.But Nutkin gathered oak apples, yellow and scarlet, and sat upon a beech-stump playing marbles , and watching the door of old Mr. Brown.但是纳特金却收集栎树瘿,黄的和红的,然后坐在一个山毛榉树墩上玩弹珠游戏,并且注意看著老布朗先生的门。

5.Smangus people thought the wind-fall beech is in their territory, but the Forestry Bureau thought it is not.司马库斯人认为风倒榉木所在的位置是他们的领域,而林务局并不这麽认为。

6.There are long brown mountains and a few pines and far-off forests of beech-trees on some of the mountainsides.这里有绵延的褐色群山,山上长着一些松树,远方的几处山坡上,有几片山毛榉林。

7.The early Georgians used to walk in muddy lanes or over blown downs or through dim, green-gray beech-woods or fragrant forests of pine.早期的乔治亚人或是走过泥泞小路,风积沙丘,或是穿行于青卷幽暗的山毛榉丛与芳馥的松林之间。

8.Benape said being less than beautiful had no bearing on the European beech tree's potential contribution to a greener Gotham.贝纳普说,欧洲山毛榉长得不够好看不要紧,不会影响它发挥绿化纽约的作用。

9.To any astute observer, a beech-maple forest displays an integrity and identity as much as a crow does.对于任何一位敏锐的观察者而言,山毛榉—枫树林[3]差不多和乌鸦一样展示出了完整性和身份特征。

10.The Countess put the branch among the fresh and green beech trees, and she smiled with satisfaction.伯爵夫人把树枝放在新鲜翠绿的山毛榉树丛中,满意的笑了。