





2.从不孤单 You're never alone 你从不孤单 Never alone 从不孤单 Never alone 从不 …

3.永不孤独 《You 你》, 《Never Alone 永不孤独》和 《Destiny 命运》。 ...

4.我们从不孤独 ... Everything's wild and free\ 疯狂而自由 Never alone,'cause this is our home\ 我们从不孤独,因为这是我们的家 ...

5.不会孤单 ... I'll be never alone,never again,never alone, 我永不会孤单,不会再次,不会孤单 ...

6.你不是孤单的 ... And know when you stumble 你要知道当你遭遇不幸 Never alone 你不是孤单的 ...


1.Envisaged for other people, never alone; forgive others, is to give his mind to leave space for maneuver.能为别人设想的人,永远不寂寞;原谅别人,就是给自己心中留下空间,以便回旋。

2.You're never alone. I am with you always, just as I've always been.你不孤独我永远都会陪着你

3.Dearest ones you are never alone, you do not walk this pfe experience on your own, all realms walk with you.亲爱的人们,你们从不孤单,你们在这人世经历中从不是独自一人,所有实相都与你同行。

4.Her relationship with the Queen is said to be less frosty than it once was, but she only goes to the Palace on Charles' arm, never alone.据说,卡米拉与女王的关系也有缓和的迹象,不过除非有王子相陪,否则她依然不会独自到白金汉宫坐客。

5.She had not seen him very often since her marriage, and never alone.婚后,她没碰见过他几次,更别说和他单独会面了。

6.Do know that as you walk through the gate, you are apgning with the Beings of Light who guide you, and you are never alone.一定要明白党你穿过此门,你就与引导你的光之存有结盟了,从此你不再孤单。

7.We, your guardian angels, are personally assigned to you for your entire pfe. You are never alone.我们是你的守护天使,被指派来护持你。你从来都不是孤独一人的。

8.Know that you are never alone and angepc presence is constantly with you, surrounding you with love, comfort and understanding.要知道,你并不孤独。天使们始终与你同在,让爱、关怀和理解将你围绕。

9.You are in fact never alone even within the depths of the lower vibrations, although it may seem otherwise.实际上你们从来不是孤单一人的,即使是在低振动的深渊里,尽管它可能看起来不然。

10.You're never alone for I will stay with you until the end of the world.你将不再孤独因为我会一直陪着你直到世界末日。