


美式发音: ['beɪˌtoʊvən] 英式发音: ['beɪˌtəʊvən]




na.1.Beethoven , Ludwig van 贝多芬(1770-1827),德国大作曲家

1.贝多芬的一部黄金时间肥皂剧中担任了主角,次年的剧情长片《无敌当家》(Beethoven)中也有他的一个小角色,而在感人至深的经 …

3.乐圣贝多芬 L.Gottschalk[ 美]高茨乔克( 196 ) L.Van.Beethoven[ 德]贝多芬( 202 ) S.Youferoff[ 俄]尤弗洛夫( 203 ) ...

5.音乐家贝多芬 ... 唱片公司: Testament 作曲家Beethoven & Mozart 试听: Schumann Piano Concerto A minor Op. 54 ...


1.Mozart's father had been kind, but Beethoven's father was impatient and often rough with him.莫扎特的父亲很仁慈,但贝多芬的父亲却十分暴躁,经常对他动粗。

2.Read the story of Beethoven, let I associate it-a Helen Keller also has a strong perseverance.读了贝多芬的故事,让我联想到了海伦凯勒——一个同样有着坚强毅力的人。

3.Just how special was not readily apparent to those who saw him, in his old Beethoven frock-coat or his shapeless orange cardigan.当人们看到施托克豪森穿着一身陈旧的贝多芬礼服大衣或形状怪异的橙色开襟羊毛衫时,他们是无法轻易地发觉他有多么特别古怪。

4.Beethoven thought of an air, hammered at it, altered it again and again.贝多芬想起了一个曲调,就专心致志地研究它,一遍又一遍地修改它。

5.Beethoven, one of the composers of all time, would not have produced his music without a strong independent self-esteem.贝多芬,历史上著名的作曲家之一,如果没有足够强的独立自尊心,也不可能创作出他的乐章。

6.In Beethoven's case there is no doubt about it, for we have the notebooks in which he put the themes down.以贝多芬为例这一点毋庸质疑,因为我们有他记下音乐主题的笔记本。

7.The first time I learned Beethoven had a bit of a hearing problem, I was baffled as to how he managed to go on with his music career.当我第一次得知贝多芬有听觉障碍的时候,我对他是如何继续他的音乐生涯感到疑惑。

8.He spent his final moments pstening to Beethoven's F Minor String Quartet emanating from a radio, his wife Madeleine by his side.他在自己最后的时刻听着收音机里的贝多芬F小调弦乐四重奏,他的妻子玛德莱纳在他身旁。

9.Beethoven soon became famous. Then tragedy struck. He discovered that he was slowly becoming deaf . This was the great crisis of his pfe.贝多芬很快成名了。后来,悲剧发生了,他发现自己在慢慢变聋。这是他生命中的巨大危机。

10.The name of the old Beethoven, he injured his love of music into the heart, let the whole world from his music to feel love.那位叫贝多芬的老人,他把他在爱中受伤的心融在音乐里,让整个世界的人从他的音乐中感受到爱。