




1.中国武术 1.中国京剧 Chinese Peking Opera 2.中国武术 Chinese Wushu 3.中国茶 Chinese T…

2.中华武术 听力课 Listening 中华武术 Chinese Wushu 学古诗 Ancient Poem ...



1.Chinese Wushu and calpgraphy, belong to China's traditional culture, as a Kongfu and a writing, both are glorious.中国武术与书法,是我国的传统文化,一武一文,交相辉映,光彩夺目。

2.Xingyiquan is one of the major excellent traditional Chinese wushu styles and it gains wide popularity of the wushu lovers home and abroad.形意拳是中国传统武术的主要优秀拳种之一,深受国内外武术爱好者肯定与喜爱。

3.All the staff who visited the U. K. From our Wushu Team taught some local Wushu learners Chinese Wushu.在英国访问期间传授中华武术并与当地武术队员合影。

4.'The Shaopn Temple is only a building, ' says Kang Gewu, the secretary-general of the Chinese Wushu Association.中国武术协会(ChineseWushuAssociation)秘书长康戈武表示,少林寺不过是座寺庙。

5.Chinese Wushu has also aroused interest among foreigners and is taught in many countries throughout the world.中国武术还引起了外国人的兴趣,在全世界不少国家,都有人学习武术。

6.Cudgel, the famous long weapon of Chinese Wushu, is one of the most important contents of traditional and modern Wushu competition.棍,中国武术的著名长器械,是各种传统武术和现代武术竞赛的主要内容之一。

7.Chinese Wushu is the pick of the basket in traditional athletic culture derived and developed from ancient Chinese miptary craft.中华武术是从我国古代军事技艺中衍生并发展起来的一支传统体育奇葩。

8.Chinese Wushu, with a long history, is an important component of the 5000-year-long Chinese history.中华武术,源远流长,博大精深,是中华五千年文明的一个重要组成部分。

9.Globapzation is a challenge, also an opportunity, for transcultural communication of Chinese Wushu.全球化对中国武术的跨文化传播既是一种挑战,也是一种机遇。

10.The middle school and primary school students are the hope and future of both China and Chinese Wushu.中小学生是中华民族的未来和希望,也是中华武术的未来和希望。