


美式发音: [bɪˈfɔl] 英式发音: [bɪˈfɔːl]



过去式:befell  过去分词:befallen  第三人称单数:befalls  现在分词:befalpng  同义词

v.happen,occur,take place,come about,transpire



1.~ sb降临到(某人)头上;发生在(某人)身上to happen to sb

They were unaware of the fate that was to befall them.他们并不知道即将降临到他们头上的厄运。


v.1.if something unpleasant befalls you, it happens to you

1.降临 befriend 友好对待 befall 降临;发生 bepttle 小看 ...

2.发生 befriend 友好对待 befall 降临;发生 bepttle 小看 ...

3.降临到 beetle n. 甲虫 befall vt. 降临到...(指坏事) beg vt. 乞讨 ...

4.遭遇 bang n. 重击,巨响,活力 befall vt. 降临,遭遇 bank n. 银行;(赌博的)庄家 ...

5.临头 ... 临帖[ practise calpgraphy after a model] 临头[ critical moment; befall; happen] 临问[ go to consult] ...

6.遇到 To belong;befall: 属于;遇到: Peace be unto you. Woe is me. 愿你平安。我真伤心 ...

7.降临于 obtrusive 冒失的 befall 降临于 boomerang 自作自受 ...


1.And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.49:1雅各叫了他的儿子们来,说,你们都来聚集,我好把你们日后必遇的事告诉你们。

2.In statistics alone, Katrina was one of the worst disasters to befall the United States.仅就统计来看,卡特里娜是降临在美国的最严重灾难之一。

3.Justice, was inherently good and the only evil that could befall man was the evil he brought upon him self by disordering his own soul.正义。正义,是内在的善,能够发生在人身上的唯一恶是他自己失序的灵魂带给他的。

4.She knows the fate which is about to befall upon her, just as the sacrifices on the altar, inescapable death.她已经知道自己的命运了,就像神坛上的牺牲品,死亡。

5.Honour the souls also who stood aside and allowed you to more into humanity to perform one of the greatest acts of LOVE to befall mankind.荣耀那些站到一边允许你更大程度地进入人类之中来展现一个最伟大的爱之行为,让其降临于人类的灵魂。

6.These biscuits, should anything befall me, would keep me, at least, from starving till far on in the next day.无论发生什么事,这些干面包至少两天内不至于使我挨饿。

7.Be the master of your fate, be the captain of your soul, but do not hesitate, should the chance befall you, to be the slave of your heart.是你的命运的主人,是你的灵魂的船长,但不要犹豫,机会降临你,是你的心的奴隶。

8.Mining remains dangerous work, as the disasters that seem to befall small Appalachian towns every few years attest.采矿仍然是危险工作,最近,美国阿巴拉契亚的小城群落每几年就会遭遇一次灾难。

9.But Benjamin, Joseph's brother, Jacob sent not with his brethren; for he said, Lest peradventure mischief befall him.但约瑟的兄弟便雅悯,雅各没有打发他和哥哥们同去,因为雅各说,恐怕他遭害。

10.The Elephant (who was the Bodisat) loved the children and never permitted any harm to befall them.大象(它是达摩的化身)非常喜爱孩子,从不让他们受到任何伤害。