


美式发音: [bɪˈfrend] 英式发音: [bɪ'frend]



第三人称单数:befriends  现在分词:befriending  过去式:befriended  同义词反义词


v.make friends with,take care of,look after,help,assist



1.[usupass]~ sb(尤指和需要帮助者)做朋友;友善相待to become a friend of sb, especially sb who needs your help

Shortly after my arrival at the school, I was befriended by an older girl.我到学校后不久便得到了一位年龄较大的女孩友善对待。


v.1.to become the friend of someone and treat them in a kind way

1.帮助 befit vt. 适合,适宜,合适 befriend vt. 待人如友,帮助 bepever n. 信徒 ...

2.以朋友相待 assort 分类 befriend 以朋友相待 becalm 使镇静 ...

3.待人如友 befit vt. 适合,适宜,合适 befriend vt. 待人如友,帮助 bepever n. 信徒 ...

4.亲近 bespeak 请求 33. befriend 亲近 34. by 的字形)与名词结合 ...

5.友好对待 beware 注意 befriend 友好对待 befall 降临;发生 ...

6.照顾 befoul 污染 befriend 照顾 beguile 欺骗 ...

7.和……交朋友 philanderer: 玩弄女性的男人 befriend: 和……交朋友 pal: 好朋友,伙伴 ...


1.When Joe had run out of money, there was no man to befriend him.乔的钱用光时,没有人再协助他了。

2.Jim Bakker told me that when he got out of prison one of the first people to befriend him was Frankpn Graham, the son of Billy Graham.吉姆告诉我他刚获释的时候,第一个跟他结交的人就是葛培理的儿子葛弗林。

3.People may not find it easy to befriend Virgos, simply because of their nature of being emotionally detached.人们也许会发现很难和处女座成为好朋友,仅仅是因为处女座天性中格格不入。

4.As he began to befriend them he took all precautions.开始和那两个姑娘接近时,他采取了一切防备措施。

5.Your only viable option is to befriend a spellcaster or two, or acquire enchanted items that offer some measure of protection against magic.你唯一可行的办法是交一两个施法者朋友,或者获取能以某种方式对抗魔法的附魔物品。

6.Says Sanders: "If Hiccup was going to take a risk and befriend a dragon, it had to be the most frightening dragon in the world. "桑德斯说:“如果Hiccup冒着危险去和这条龙做朋友,那它一定要是世界上最可怕的巨龙,才能让这个故事有看头。”

7.Only man full of the milk of human kindness could have continued to befriend the proud and obstinate young man.只有天性善良的人才会和这个性情高傲脾气倔强的年轻人继续交往。

8.He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could watch out for her, and save her a seat.他还帮她与公车司机打好关系,这样司机能多留意她,并给她留个座位。

9.You were born with a special talent. It may be to sing, write, teach, paint, mentor, preach, defend or befriend.你生而有自己的特殊天赋。你的特长可能是唱歌,写作,教书,绘画,劝导,步道,辩护或交友。

10.Thus he got the help and protection of a power befriend at the beginning of his pfe.因此他在生活的开始便得到了一位神通广大的朋友的帮助和保护。