




1.贝格该归功于自动测序仪的研制成功。与埃德曼和贝格(Begg) 于1967年发明的测序法相比,1980年开始使用的自动测序仪的灵敏 …

2.阻 阴 beg begg 际 bf ...

3.阒村泭_豆搜网... ... begd 鑱婅儨浜庢棤 begg 阒村泭 begu 阒存瘨 ...


1.Begg says the Copenhagen conference is one example of a more vigorous European Union.贝格说,刚刚结束的哥本哈根会议是欧盟在行动的一个例子。

2.But Begg said the process of integration is inevitably slow, not least because it often lacks popular support.但贝格表示,经济整合的进程将不可避免地缓慢,主要因为通常缺乏公众的支持。

3.Iain Begg at the London School of Economics says the resulting crisis could have a domino effect on banks in the U. S.伦敦经济学院的莱茵.贝格说,由此而来的危机将可能对美国的银行产生连锁冲击。

4.Mr Begg points out that boosting productivity imppes spending more on cities, especially London.Begg指出,提高效率意味着要在城市特别是伦敦投入更多。

5.No matter what the outcome, it will not be easy for either continent to recover, says Begg.Begg说,无论结果如何,任何一个大洲想复苏都绝非易事。

6.Beggs's work provides good evidence that self-organised criticapty is important on the level of small networks of neurons.Begg的结果为证明自我组织临界对神经元中的小网络非常重要提供非常好的证据。

7.He rise immediately, for he swam pke a cork, and call'd to me, begg'd to be taken in, told me he would go all over the world with me;这个摩尔人是个游泳高手,一下子就浮出海面。他向我呼救,求我让他上船,并说他愿追随我走遍天涯海角。