




1.如何举止得体 ... properly discontinuous 纯不连续的 behave properly 举止正当 Properly furnished or equipped 设备或装备齐全的 ...

3.举止有礼 be proper for 对…… 恰当合适 behave properly 举止有礼 properly speaking 严格地说 ...

4.行为正当 beard n.胡子 behave properly 行为正当 bepttle v.轻视;藐视 ...

5.言行们是公民等等;并学习如何因应自己的「角色」而有恰当言行behave properly)的过程,如说粗话会被视为没有礼貌的行 …


1.Mrs. Long insisted that Tom should take back what he said about his uncle and aunt and behave properly in his new surroundings.龙夫人坚持认为汤姆应该收回他对他叔婶所说的那一番话并要他在这个新的环境中注意言谈举止。

2.Nowadays China is keen to show the world that it is serious and responsible - a great power which can be trusted to behave properly.如今,中国热衷于显示其作为一个可信赖的行为正当的大国是严肃和负责任的。然而,她却支持一个经常被控告非法的国家。

3.I think sometimes we use someone else's behaviour as an excuse not to behave properly ourselves.我认为有时候我们总是以别人行为不当作为借口,其实我们自己又何尝不是。

4.And when there isn't enough information or things still don't behave properly, you can work your way into more complex and powerful options.当信息不够或仍然有些东西表现不正常时,可以开始尝试更复杂、更强大的工具。

5.The accented characters will not display correctly, but the example will behave properly.加重音的字符无法正确显示,但是示例可以正确地运行。

6.If the component does not behave properly, update or fix the code and then save it.如果组件没有正确的运行,更新或者修改代码,并保存。

7.Can't you control that child (ie make it behave properly)?你管不了那个孩子吗?。

8.It is necessary to make sure that the demo will behave properly in all of the above situations.确保演示在以上各种情况下都能顺利进行是很有必要的。

9.Unless you are a perfect fool you will behave properly to your uncle.你要不是一个完全的笨蛋,你就不会那样对待你叔叔。

10."I will [shake a manager's hand] when people behave properly, " added Wenger.“我将与那些行为举止端正的人握手,”温格补充说。