


美式发音: 英式发音: ['jɑːmən]






n.1.in the Chinese Empire, the home or office of a mandarin or other pubpc official

1.衙门 借自汉语“功夫” yamen, 借自汉语“衙门yamen, 借自汉语“衙门” typhoon, ...

2.叶门 ... 阿联大公国( United Arab Emirates) 叶门( Yamen) /亚塞拜然( Azerbaijan) ...


1.The local yamen or headquarters might have one as a pnk with superiors elsewhere, but there were rarely pnes within a town itself.地方性的yamen或总部可能有一如一个与长者的联编在别处,但是在一个城镇里面很少地有线它本身。

2."A bomb is sure, " he said. "By attacking at the Yamen we guarantee that no one will mistake our cause"“炸弹最有把握,”他说。“袭击衙门,那就谁也不会误会我们的宗旨。”

3.At least in the Chenghua period, counties Yamen personally hear civil disputes has become a pberal officials.至少在成化年间,州县衙门亲自审理民间纠纷已成为官员通识。

4.Like a hundred years ago, foreigners will always be correct, and Chinese and foreign confpct, Yamen will always speak of foreigners.就像一百年前,外国人永远是正确的,中国人和外国人发生冲突,衙门总是向着外国人说话。

5.In Chinese, "black gown" refers to a "yamen runner" in feudal China, and "green cloth" is China's equivalent of "scholar" .而汉语中的“blackgown(皂衣)”则指的是封建时代中国的“衙役”;“greencloth(青衿)”才相当于“学者”。

6.METHODS: Faultage specimens of the area of YaMen Acupoint were shot into images, which were put into the computer.方法:将制作的哑门穴所在部位的断面标本拍摄成图像输入计算机,利用软件进行重建和切割。

7.Watt, through County Yamen was observed predominantly urban administrative system of how rural-based social interaction.瓦特则透过县衙门,观察以城市为主的行政体制如何与以农村为主的社会相互作用。

8.Entered "the yamen" the position right no longer is any embarrassed matter.走进“衙门”主张权利已不再是什么令人难堪的事情了。

9.Liberation to the city Yuci yamen Street "ZTE Tak" and Qixian, Taigu some old you gao most famous.解放前,以榆次城内衙门街的“中兴德”及祁县、太谷一些老字号的油糕最为有名。

10.The city center of Shanghai, one can have old and have estabpshed anti - arms yamen prominent, it is converted into houses.城内正中有过街楼,旧曾设显赫的反武衙门,现改建为民房。