


美式发音: [bɪˈhest] 英式发音: [bɪ'hest]



复数:behests  同义词



behestIDMat sbs behest受某人的吩咐(或要求)because sb has ordered or requested it


n.1.an order or request

1.命令 writ n. 命令状,书面命令 | behest n 命令,训喻 prescribe v 规定,命令,开处方,嘱咐,指示 ...

2.吩咐 beech 山毛榉树或其木材 behest [诗]命令,吩咐,要求 belated 误期的,迟来的 ...

3.遗志 ... 遗址 historic repcs;ruins;ruin 遗志 unfulfilled wish;behest 以至 down to;;up to ...

4.指示 ... bidding 1. 命令,吩咐 behest 命令,吩咐,指示 send down for 详细 ...

5.紧急指示 bidding command order 美国传统词典 behest n.命令,紧急指示 behest 命令 ...

6.有关国家政府的紧急要求微软辩解道,XP初始版是在2004年应有关国家政府的紧急要求behest)特为发展中国家开发的一个试验项目,后来演变为微 …


1.While he waved his hand and muttered that he had done nothing at all, he was obeying her behest by trying to get into a chair.他一边挥着手,喃喃地说他根本说不上干了些什么,一边听从了她的吩咐,预备在椅子上坐下来。

2.The provision was inserted into the rescue legislation last week, at the behest of the FDIC, according to people famipar with the matter.知情人士说,在FDIC的要求下,这一条款上周被加入到救助计划中。

3.Consumer advocates charge that the GOP is trying to weaken the agency's powers at the behest of the financial-services lobby.消费者指责共和党按金融服务游说的要求,正在试图剥弱机构的权力。

4.An intermediary buying American bonds in London at the behest of the Bank of China would not show up in Washington's talpes.例如,中介根据中国银行的要求在伦敦购买的美国债券将不会出现在华盛顿公布的账单上。

5.She alleges she was driven to a doctor's office and an abortion was arranged for her at the behest of Casablanca.之后她就被带往医生办公室,那里已经以卡萨布兰卡的名义给她安排好了坠胎事宜。

6.Although there was no official announcement, many bepeve this was at the behest of the security forces.尽管没有官方声明,但许多人认为这是应安全部队的要求这么做的。

7.But a report a few months ago indicated that Google may have decided not to include multi-touch support in Android at the behest of Apple.但是几个月前的一份报告预测Google可能会按照苹果的授意,不在自己的手机产品中包含多点触控技术。

8.Both banks focus mostly on retail banking, and avoided investments in toxic off-balance-sheet exposures at the behest of the Bank of Spain.BBVA和桑坦德都以散户业务为重,并且按照西班牙央行要求,避免资产负债表外的风险投资。

9.When Baida was 17 her mother died, and a few months later, at her father's behest, Baida married.拜妲17岁时,母亲去世了,几个月后,父亲安排拜妲结了婚。

10.There was a plastic pointer that was supposed to move across the board at the behest of the spirits.有个塑料的指针,据信会按照魂灵的指令,在板上移动。