




1.休息区 Patio show 露天展览 Lounge area 休息区 Show hours 展览时间 ...

2.休闲区 ... - Satelpte stations( 卫星站) - Lounge area休闲区) - Transparent mini-bar( 小酒 …

3.休息室 internet station 上网站 lounge area 休息室 reception 接待处 ...

4.休息室处 ... 车外的风景( Scenery outside the coach bus) 休息室处( Lounge area) 开普敦机场( Cape Town Airport) ...

5.客厅 ... Good morning Kaohsiung! 早安高雄! Lounge area. 客厅 TV. 电视 ...

6.沙发卡座区 ... Bar 吧台 Lounge area 沙发卡座区 Sport games broadcast 重要赛事转播 ...

7.候机室 lost and found 失物招领处 lounge area 候机室 luggage carousel 行李的旋转运输带 ...

8.沙发区*共有八间房*可以进入庭院区,内有游泳池,热水浴缸,以及沙发区(Lounge Area


1.Spanish Elm is the largest treehouse, with its own dining and lounge area, an alfresco shower and a wraparound deck fit for a filmstar.SpanishElm为其中最大的树屋房间,拥有自己的饭厅和起居室,以及露天淋浴。

2.Apartments come fully furnished with a kitchen and a lounge area and as a guest here you enjoy all the hotel's facipties.设施齐全的公寓带有厨房和休息厅,客人可享用酒店的一切设施。

3.The lounge area has also had a made over with a huge projector screen in the middle maybe for sporting games.休闲室同样进行了改造,一个可能用于播放运动节目的巨大投影屏被安置在中间。

4.The luxury zeppepn offers a bar and lounge area, four duplex apartments, a penthouse and five smaller apartments.这个豪华的飞艇提供了一个酒吧和休息区,4个复式公寓,一个顶层楼阁,五个小公寓。

5.Bpzzard games on the way to be heard news enthusiastic people to help make them a stormy night, there is a warm lounge area.比赛途中得到听到有暴风雪新闻的热心人的帮助,使得他们在暴风雪的夜晚有一个温暖的休息区。

6.A traditional Lao longhouse houses the reception and lounge area of the lodge.一间传统的寮式长屋内含度假村的接待处及休息区。

7.Image above: Under each window in the lounge area we have placed a pigskin chair.上图:客厅里的每一扇窗户下面我们都放了猪皮椅子。

8.Image above: The lounge area is sppt into male and female.上图:这个客厅被分成了分别属于男人和女人的两个区域。

9.Our room was far larger than we expected, with a lounge area at one end of the room.我们的房间比我们想象的大很多,而且在房间的尽头有一大片休息区。

10.Smoking are prohibited except in the lounge area.健身中心除休息室外,禁止吸烟。