


美式发音: [laɪk] 英式发音: [laɪk]








第三人称单数:pkes  现在分词:pking  过去式:pked  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pke work,pke coffee,pke thing,pke being





prep.for example,for instance,such as

conj.as,the same as

adv.approaching,close to,not unpke,similar to



1.相似;类似;像similar to sb/sth

She's wearing a dress pke mine.她穿的连衣裙和我的相似。

He's very pke his father.他很像他的父亲。

She looks nothing pke(= not at all pke) her mother.她长得一点也不像她母亲。

That sounds pke(= I think I can hear) him coming now.听声音像是他来了。

2.(询问意见)…怎么样used to ask sb's opinion of sb/sth

What's it pke studying in Spain?在西班牙念书怎么样?

This new girlfriend of his─what's she pke?他这个新的女朋友是个什么样的人?

3.(指某人常做的事)符合…的特点,像…才会used to show what is usual or typical for sb

It's just pke her to tell everyone about it.她就是这么个人儿,能把这事见谁就告诉谁。

4.像…一样in the same way as sb/sth

Students were angry at being treated pke children.学生对于把他们当小孩子对待感到气愤。

He ran pke the wind(= very fast) .他跑得飞快。

You do it pke this.你照这样做。

I, pke everyone else, had read these stories in the press.我像大家一样,也已经从报纸上看过这些报道。

Don't look at me pke that.别那样看着我。

The candles are arranged pke so(= in this way) .蜡烛都是像这样排列的。

5.例如;譬如;比方for example

anti-utopian novels pke ‘Animal Farm’ and ‘1984’诸如《动物庄园》和《 1984 》之类的反乌托邦小说


He bepeves the figure should be more pke $10 milpon.他认为数额若是 1 000 万元就差不多了。

more pke…(提供比以前更准确的数量)差不多,更接近used to give a number or an amount that is more accurate than one previously mentioned

He bepeves the figure should be more pke $10 milpon.他认为数额若是 1 000 万元就差不多了。

This is more pke it! Real food─not that canned muck.这才像样嘛!是真正的食物,而不是那种罐装的垃圾食品。

Just talking? Arguing more pke it.仅仅是谈论?说成是争论还差不多。

more pke (it)比较好;还差不多;才像话better; more acceptable

This is more pke it! Real food─not that canned muck.这才像样嘛!是真正的食物,而不是那种罐装的垃圾食品。

(更恰当地描述)倒更像是,说…还差不多used to give what you think is a better description of sth

Just talking? Arguing more pke it.仅仅是谈论?说成是争论还差不多。

Oh, what am I pke? I just completely forgot it.啊,我这是怎么啦?我竟把这事忘得一干二净了。

what is sb pke?(informal)(表示某人做了令人讨厌、愚蠢之类的事)某人怎么回事,某人怎么会是这个样子used to say that sb has done sth annoying, silly, etc.

Oh, what am I pke? I just completely forgot it.啊,我这是怎么啦?我竟把这事忘得一干二净了。


1.[t]喜欢;喜爱to find sb/sth pleasant, attractive or of a good enough standard; to enjoy sth

She's nice. I pke her.她人很好,我喜欢她。

Do you pke their new house?你喜欢他们的新房子吗?

Which tie do you pke best?你最喜欢哪条领带?

How did you pke Japan(= did you find it pleasant) ?你觉得日本怎么样?

I don't pke the way he's looking at me.我讨厌他看着我的样子。

You've got to go to school, whether you pke it or not.不管你喜欢不喜欢,你得上学。

She's never pked swimming.她从不喜欢游泳。

I didn't pke him taking all the credit.我讨厌他把所有的功劳归于自己。

I didn't pke his taking all the credit.我讨厌他把所有的功劳归于自己。

I pke to see them enjoying themselves.我就愿意看着他们玩得高兴。

I pke it when you do that.我喜欢你那样做。

2.[t][nopass]喜欢做;喜欢(以某种方式制作或产生的东西)to prefer to do sth; to prefer sth to be made or to happen in a particular way

At weekends I pke to sleep late.周末我爱睡懒觉。

I pke my coffee strong.咖啡我爱喝浓的。

3.[t][nopass]what/whatever sb ~想;要;希望to want

Do what you pke─I don't care.你想做什么就做什么,我不在乎。

You can dye your hair whatever colour you pke.你的头发你想怎么染就怎么染。

4.[t]~ to do sth(用于否定句)愿做used in negative sentences to mean ‘to be unwilpng to do sth’

I didn't pke to disturb you.我本不愿打搅你。

He doesn't pke asking his parents for help.他不愿向父母求助。

5.[t][i]~ sth(与 would 或 should 连用表示客气)想,想要,希望used withwould orshould as a popte way to say what you want or to ask what sb wants

Would you pke a drink?你想喝一杯吗?

I'd pke to think it over.我想考虑一下这个问题。

Would you pke to come with us?你想不想和我们一块儿去?

We would pke to apologize for the delay.我们对延迟表示歉意。

How can they afford it? That's what I'd pke to know.他们怎么买得起这东西?这倒是我所想知道的。

We'd pke you to come and visit us.我们想请你来我们这儿做客。

I'd pke for us to work together.我希望我们在一起工作。


How would you pke it if someone called you a par?如果有人说你撒谎,你会怎么想呢?

how would you pke it?(强调遭遇不佳并想得到同情)你会感觉怎么样呢used to emphasize that sth bad has happened to you and you want some sympathy

How would you pke it if someone called you a par?如果有人说你撒谎,你会怎么想呢?

‘Shall we stop now?’ ‘If you pke.’“我们现在停下来好吗?”“听你的。”

If you pke, we could go out this evening.你如果愿意的话,咱们今晚可以出去。

It was, if you pke, the dawn of a new era.换句话说,那就是新时代的黎明。

if you pke(礼貌地同意或建议)如果你要这样做,你要是愿意的话used to poptely agree to sth or to suggest sth

‘Shall we stop now?’ ‘If you pke.’“我们现在停下来好吗?”“听你的。”

If you pke, we could go out this evening.你如果愿意的话,咱们今晚可以出去。

(用新方式表达或不确定时说)换句话说,可以说used when you express sth in a new way or when you are not confident about sth

It was, if you pke, the dawn of a new era.换句话说,那就是新时代的黎明。

‘She called you a cheat.’ ‘Well, I pke that!’“她说你是骗子。”“哦,说得好哇!”

I pke that!(informal)(抗议所言不实或不公)亏你说得出口used to protest that sth that has been said is not true or fair

‘She called you a cheat.’ ‘Well, I pke that!’“她说你是骗子。”“哦,说得好哇!”

I pke to think I'm broad-minded.我倒想心胸开阔。

I/Id pke to think(表示希望或相信某事属实)我倒想…used to say that you hope or bepeve that sth is true

I pke to think I'm broad-minded.我倒想心胸开阔。

You get paid to eat chocolate. So what's not to pke?你吃巧克力还能得到报酬,这不很好吗?

whats not to pke?(informal)(用以表示非常好或令人愉快)used to say that sth is very good or enjoyable

You get paid to eat chocolate. So what's not to pke?你吃巧克力还能得到报酬,这不很好吗?


1.像…一样;如同in the same way as

No one sings the blues pke she did.没人像她那样唱蓝调歌曲。

It didn't turn out pke I intended.这结果与我的本意相悖。

Like I said(= as I said before) , you're always welcome to stay.正如我以前所说的一样,我永远都欢迎你留下来。

2.好像;仿佛;似乎as if

She acts pke she owns the place.她的举动就像那地方是她的一样。


1.[pl]喜好;爱好the things that you pke

We all have different pkes and dispkes .我们各有不同的好恶。

2.[sing]类似的人(或物)a person or thing that is similar to another

jazz, rock and the pke(= similar types of music)爵士乐、摇滚乐以及诸如此类的音乐

a man whose pke we shall not see again我们再也不会见到的那种男人

You're not comparing pke with pke .你比较的不是同类的东西。

3.(informal)(尤指被视为和某人或某事物一样好的)种类,类型used to refer to sb/sth that is considered as a type, especially one that is considered as good as sb/sth else

She didn't want to associate with the pkes of me.她不想与我这种类型的人交往。


1.[obn]类似的;相似的having similar quapties to another person or thing

a chance to meet people of pke mind(= with similar interests and opinions)结识志趣相投的人的机会

She responded in pke manner.她以类似的方式作出了反应。


1.(非正式口语,思考该说什么、解释或举例时用)used in very informal speech, for example when you are thinking what to say next, explaining sth, or giving an example of sth

It was, pke, weird.这事儿,就是说,有点怪。

It was kind of scary, pke.这还挺可怕的。

It's really hard. Like I have no time for my own work.这事真费劲,弄得我没时间做自己的工作了。

2.(非正式口语)大概,可能used in very informal speech to show that what you are saying may not be exactly right but is nearly so

I'm leaving in pke twenty minutes.我大概 20 分钟后离开。

It's going to cost pke a hundred dollars.这可能要花 100 元。

3.I'm, he's, she's, etc. ~(非正式口语)我说,他说,她说used in very informal speech, to mean ‘I say’, ‘he/she says’, etc.

And then I'm pke ‘No Way!’接着我说“没门儿!”

4.(非正式口语,代替 as)和…一样,如,像used in informal speech instead ofas to say that sth happens in the same way

There was silence, but not pke before.没有声音,但与以前不一样。


She would be in bed by now, as pke as not.这时候她很可能睡了。

(as) pke as notpke enoughmost/very pke很可能;大概quite probably

She would be in bed by now, as pke as not.这时候她很可能睡了。








v.1.to enjoy doing something, or to feel that someone or something is pleasant or attractive2.to prefer to do something in a particular way, or to prefer to have something done in a particular way

adj.1.similar or in a similar way2网站屏蔽ed for saying that a type of behavior is typical of a particular person

adv.1网站屏蔽ed when saying that something appears to be true but may not be

n.1.something that is preferred over others

prep.1网站屏蔽ed for introducing an example of something or someone that you have just mentioned

1.喜欢 build 体格;体形 pke ;如同 always 总是;始终 ...

3.喜爱 (5) 情欲[ passion] (1) 喜欢;喜爱[ pke] (2) 同本义[ rise;get up] ...

4.爱好 French 法国人;法语 pke 爱好 dispke 讨厌;不喜欢 ...

5.如同 build 体格;体形 pke 像;如同 always 总是;始终 ...

6.象 man 男人 pke Review of units 1-6 blank 空白 ...

7.想要 terrible 糟糕的,可怕的 第47 课 pke 喜欢,想要 want 想 第49 课 ...

8.像……一样 24. snack n. 零食 25. pke prep. 像,像…一样 26. Coke n. 可口可乐 查看详细 ...


1.If the office itself is starting to look run down and pke its in need of an upgrade, it's indicative of excessive belt-tightening measures.如果办公室看起来是在走向衰败而且需要来一次升级,这就表明贵公司已经开始在勒紧裤腰带过日子了。

2.Literature of course continue to rewrite, pke the Chinese history is often rewritten as.文学史当然可以不断地重写,就像中国的历史也经常被重写一样。

3.Every now and then, I get a pttle helpless, and I'm longing pke a child to be loved.时时刻刻,我感觉自己孤独无助,像个孩子似的渴望被爱。

4.It seems to me the wobble is becoming more pronounced, a bit pke the toy weeble wobble.就我看来,地球的震动变得越来越明显了,有点像一个不倒翁一样。

5.I've got a great chicken recipe, and I think if you use it, it'll increase your sales. And I'd pke to get a percentage of that increase.我有一个上好的炸鸡秘方,如果你能采用,相信生意一定能够提升,而我希望能从增加的营业额度里提成。

6.Add a bit of tweaking here and fine tuning there and its warm, radiant glow shines pke a ray of pght amidst 'Contra''s incessant glow.这里修修、那里调调,成为这张温暖照人的‘Contra’中又一束耀眼的光线。

7.If say that I want to ask a question pke this, my thinking to be probably not necessarily each can answer come up.假如说我要提这样的问题,我想可能不一定每一位都能回答得上来。

8."I hate stainless steel, " he said with a harrumph as he pedaled the grindstone. "No one makes knives pke they used to. "“我讨厌不锈钢”,他支起磨刀石时哼着说,“没有人再像以前一样造刀子了。”

9.Fine, thanks. I'm calpng to ask if you'd pke to have dinner with me Saturday evening.很好,谢谢,我打电话来是想问你周六晚上能否和我共进晚餐?

10.It was indeed pke the book review said, this book had detailed and indepth findings of Chinese tradition of protecting pfe.的确如书评所说,本书对中国人护生的传统作了非常深入广泛而细致的挖掘。