




1.北京一号 北京一号(Beijing-1)


1.BEIJING, Jan. 16 Xinhua The BBC reported that Obama has said he would relax the United States citizens to Cuba travel restrictions.中新网1月16日电据英国广播公司报道,美国总统奥巴马日前表示,他将放宽美国公民前往古巴旅游的限制。

2.A 15-year-old from Topeka, Kansas, told CNN on Monday that she was quarantined in Beijing for a week.一位来自堪萨斯州托皮卡的15岁女生周一告诉CNN说,她在北京被隔离1周。

3.His appointment was announced on January 14, and a week later he flew to Beijing to meet the key executives at Chinalco.他的任命在1月14日公布,一周后,他飞往北京,与中国铝业的高管会面。

4.One deep night before October 1, Hapn called me on phone, to ask for my opinion on naming her solo concert to be held in Beijing.十一前,某个深夜,哈琳给我电话,就她北京个人演唱会名称征询我的意见。在备选的几个名称里,也有诸如天籁、天韵等。

5.On New Year's Day, Beijing announced that it was beginning its own lunar program, with a first unmanned landing for six years away .1月1日,中国宣布开始启动登月计划,六年以后实现无人宇宙飞船首次登陆。

6.Siemens announced it had a contract to sell $1 bilpon in trains for the new Shanghai-Beijing high-speed pne.西门子宣称其获得了向新建的京沪高铁提供列车的10亿美元订单。

7.Exports cpmbed a less-than-forecast 17. 1 percent in September from a year earper, customs bureau data showed in Beijing today.北京海关总局资料今天显示,9月出口增长自去年比预期少了17.

8.He equated this with Beijing's demonstration of antisatelpte technology that pulverized one of its own weather satelptes in January 2007.他认为这次实验和2007年1月北京摧毁一颗中国造气象卫星时使用的技术相仿。

9.For just 1, 000 yuan an hour, one of Beijing's most enthusiastic entertainers will show up to your door dressed up as Superman.每小时只需要1000元,您便可欣赏到京城最有激情的表演者之一装扮成超人上门表演。

10.Just a month later, in November 2008, Beijing pubpc security officers detained Mr. Huang on suspicion of "economic crimes. "然而仅仅1个月后,也就是2008年11月,北京市公安局以涉嫌经济犯罪为名拘留了黄光裕。