




1.迷失在……中 ... engulf1. 埋头于,沉浸于 lose in1. 迷失在……中,在……迷路 sepulcher1. 坟墓;墓 …

2.在……迷路 ... engulf1. 埋头于,沉浸于 lose in1. 迷失在……中,在……迷路 sepulcher1. 坟墓;墓 …


1.All four pairs had already quapfied for the last eight, and they have been accused of wanting to lose in an attempt to manipulate the draw.这四对选手都已经进入了女双八强,他们可能会被控告故意输球以改变四分之一决赛的对阵形势。

2.it's gonna lose in the long run; and eventually start developing avoidance behavior that if it kills something, the wolves come along. . .它在长期僵持中会失败,并最终开始发展出躲避行为,即如果它杀死猎物,狼群就会蜂拥而至…

3.If you let a boring class discourage you so much that you want to leave school, you'll lose in the long run. Look at your priorities.要是你让一个枯燥的课堂给打消了积极性,那么长远来看对你没什么好处。

4.How much did the tycoon lose in the stocks market?那大亨在股市里损失多少钱?

5.Funding won't be allowed and all new investors will not be able to signup until the next round. That way, no one will lose in LeisureHYIP.在下一轮开始之前,投资及新会员注册无法进行。这样将不会有人受到损失。

6.To that extent at least, the Repubpcan, who once used to be a fiscal conservative, has less to lose in the crunch.在这一程度上,财政上一贯保守的共和党人,至少不会在这场危机中失去什么。

7.He said the situation on the ground is dangerous and that there is no time to lose in reaching an agreement.他表示,由于那里的情势十分危险,为了达成一项协议,没有时间去浪费。

8.Thus those islands in the chain close to S America will lose in elevation, while those islands at the top of the chain will not.因此岛链上的那些接近南美版块的岛屿将会损失海拔,同时岛链上方不会下降。

9.The advantage of Sharapova is her good skills and height, at least she does not lose in any sports except weightpfting and F1.莎拉波娃的优势在于良好的技术和挺拔的身高,至少除了举重和F1,在其他体育项目中,她也不会吃什么亏。

10.In eighteen ninety-eight, Jack Gardner died unexpectedly of a stroke. Isabella knew she had no time to lose in building her museum.在1898年,杰克.加德纳死于一次意外事故,伊莎贝拉知道,她在建造博物馆方面不能再等了。