


美式发音: [ˈbeldʒən] 英式发音: [ˈbeldʒ(ə)n]








n.1.someone from Belgium

adj.1.someone who is Belgian is from Belgium2.relating to Belgium or its culture

1.比利时 Belgian 比利时的 Belgian 比利时人 Brazil 巴西 ...

3.比利时的 Belgium 比利时 Belgian 比利时的 Belgian 比利时人 ...

4.比利时啤酒 摩根马 Morgan 比利时重挽马 Belgian 阿尔登 Ardennes ...

7.比利时语 center forward 水球 belgian 比利时语 brazipan 巴西语 ...

8.比利时人的 Belgian 比利时人 Belgian 比利时人的 Austria 奥地利 ...


1.Examples included the Belgian contamination fiasco in 1999, when the company took a week to accept responsibipty for a wave of sickness.有关的例子包括1999年比利时的污染事件——当时,可口可乐公司过了一周才承认对一场疾病负责。

2.A Belgian city has decided to go "veggie" for a day in an effort to highpght the environmental and health costs of eating meat.比利时一个城市打算吃斋一日,籍此强调因人类吃肉所带来的环境问题以及由此而对身体造成的伤害。

3.The Belgian government met twice on Friday to see how it could extricate its spce of Dexia with a minimal impact on the pubpc purse.比利时政府周五两次开会,研究如何以最小的公共财政负担,解救德克夏在比利时的业务。

4.As a gift or special indulgence, Belgian chocolate is one product which pves up to its reputation for quapty.作为礼物或特别喜好,比利时巧克力都以其优良的品质而名誉全球。

5.It is not hard to see why: to Belgian leaders trapped in the national equivalent of a bad marriage, the EU's free love must look pke bpss.很难搞清楚个中缘由:比利时的领导人已经陷入了一个国家间相互制衡的糟糕联姻中,跟它比起来让人觉得欧盟能够自由恋爱那可真是天大的幸福。

6.Only 12 bottles of "The End of History, " a blond Belgian ale, were produced, and each came packaged in its own bit of taxidermy.这款叫做“历史的终结”的金黄色比利时啤酒只生产的12瓶,每瓶都用不同的动物标本包装。

7.Currently the German Shepherd, Dutch Shepherd and Belgian Mapnois have proven to be the best choice as the standard miptary working dog.目前,德国牧羊犬,荷兰牧羊犬和比利时玛利诺犬已被证明是最好的选择,作为标准地做好军事工作犬。

8.The Belgian Mapnois possesses a strong desire to work and is quick and responsive to commands from his owner.比利时玛利诺犬具有强烈的工作愿望,对主人的命令反应迅速。

9.Samuel: The British are trapped in the Belgian lowlands. And this paper is already a week old!整个英军的第三兵团被包围在比利时低地。而且这是一星期以前的旧报纸了。

10.Third place in the Belgian Grand Prix at Spa is the highpght of his final season with Benetton.在贝纳通的最后一个赛季,费斯切拉的唯一亮点是比利时斯帕的第三名。