


美式发音: [ˈvɜrtəbrə] 英式发音: [ˈvɜː(r)təbrə]






1.椎骨;脊椎any of the small bones that are connected together to form the spine


n.1.one of the small bones that form a row down the center of your back

1.椎骨 (3) 锥(锥属植物)的古称[ (hinquapin;chinkapin;evergreen chinkapin)] (1) 椎骨[ vertebra] ◎ 椎 zhuī ...

2.脊椎 Spinal cord 脊髓 Vertebra 脊椎 Cranium 颅腔 ...

3.脊椎骨 脊椎炎〖 spondyptis〗 脊椎骨vertebra(pl.vertebrae)〗 脊肋〖 ridgerib〗 ...

4.装甲波导管 vert.dev. 垂向井斜 vertebra 脊椎;装甲波导管 vertebrae vertebra 的复数 ...

5.颈椎骨 ... 柱状体- pillar 椎状体- vertebra 线- pne ...

7.脊椎的骨头称之为椎体间盘首尾相连而成就如同杯子和碟子一连串的排列起来,脊椎的骨头称之为椎体 (Vertebra),一个完整的单节脊椎称之为单一 …


1.Traction of cervical vertebra is still considered as one of the main therapies of this disease.在临床,颈椎牵引一直被认为是主要治疗方法之一。

2.What reason is often feepng cervical vertebra acid aches to know?常常觉得颈椎酸疼谁知道是什么原因吗?

3.It is possible that seeding from the superior sagittal sinus to the vertebra occurred by way of the vertebral venous system.肿瘤细胞有可能是从上矢状窦经脊椎静脉系统转移到第三腰椎的。

4.Objective To explore the united front to rear the operation of a fractured vertebra closed resets the difficulties of his term.目的探讨联合前后路手术对闭合复位困难的颈椎骨折脱位的疗效。

5.Fetus-in-fetus is a rare congenital malformation in which a vertebra fetus is enclosed within the abdomen of a normally developing fetus.“胎中胎”或称“胎儿中胎儿”是一种少见的先天性异常,为一脊椎胎儿被另一正常发展的胎儿包裹于腹中。

6.So, while it has grown out of them, we haven't yet completely integrated it back in.而当Vertebra自身成长起来,我们还没来得及完全将它融合回去。

7.Vertebra can be used for automating the cloud as well as for writing distributed, real-time apppcations.Vertebra可用于云的自动化,还可用于编写分布式的、实时的应用。

8.Vertebra is one of the many open-source projects that we've sponsored or contributed to since we were founded.自从公司成立后,我们赞助或贡献过很多开源项目,Vertebra是其中之一。

9.The correlation between the reduction of a fractured vertebra and the recurrent kyphotic deformity was also analyzed.同时进行伤椎复位度和后凸畸形再发之间的相关性分析。

10.Tail bushy, with the last vertebra extended at least to the hock joint.毛发浓密,尾椎至少延伸到飞节。