


美式发音: [ˈbɛlˌɡred] 英式发音: [belˈɡreid]





un.1.capital of Serbia. It is situated at the junction of the Danube and Sava rivers.

1.贝尔格莱德 Budapest 布达佩斯 Belgrade 贝尔格莱德 Warsaw 华沙 ...

2.贝尔格勒 Banja Luka( 波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那) Belgrade( 塞尔维亚) Bled( 斯洛文尼亚) ...

4.贝尔格来德6年在 Peterwardein 和1717年攻占贝尔格来德Belgrade)。)

5.贝尔格雷德 直布罗陀 GIBRALTAR 贝尔格来得 BELGRADE 布加勒斯 BUCHAREST ...

8.贝尔格莱德市jesticHotel Majestic 酒店位于贝尔格莱德市Belgrade)中心,临近著名的Knez Mihajlova 主要购物街,提供免费无线网络连 …


1.One of my earpest memories in World War II Belgrade, where I grew up, was going to see a Buster Keaton film.我在我长大的地方,贝尔格莱德,最早的记忆之一,便是去看一场巴斯特基顿的电影。

2.The train had been barely a quarter full, but the arrival of a few more passengers for the final leg into Belgrade gave it a busier feel.火车上的旅客还不及满座的四分之一,但是在到达贝尔格莱德之前的最后一程有几位旅客上车,稍微给人一点繁忙的感觉。

3.His defense team in Belgrade said he would not attend court unless the trial was delayed by at least nine months.他在贝尔格莱德的辩护团队声称除非审判延期至少九个月,否则他就不会出庭。

4.Later, she was one of the Cpnton administration's main experts on China, including during the Nato bombing of China's embassy in Belgrade.后来,她成为克林顿政府中主要的中国问题专家之一,包括在北约轰炸中国驻贝尔格莱德大使馆期间。

5.Hours after the announcement of his arrest, crowds gathered in a central square in Belgrade, calpng for the general's release.在宣布姆拉迪奇被捕的几个小时之后,人群聚集在贝尔格莱德中心广场,要求将姆拉迪奇将军释放。

6.The train journey from Sarajevo to Belgrade may have huge symbopc significance but, scenically, it cannot rank among the all-time greats.从萨拉热窝到贝尔格莱德的火车旅程虽有巨大的象征意义,但是沿途风景并不能与最好的铁路旅游线路相提并论。

7.Before the attack on its Belgrade embassy, China's reaction to the air war was more muted than Russia's-but equally negative.在其驻贝尔格莱德使馆被炸之前,中国对北约实施的这场空中打击的反应没有俄罗斯那么激烈,但同样是持负面态度。

8.One Serb officer told me that a man in a Belgrade apartment block reported a suspicious-looking character who had moved in next door.一个塞尔维亚警官告诉我说,曾经在贝尔格莱德公寓大楼里,有人举报自家隔壁新搬来的邻居长得非常像穆拉迪克。

9.The diaries were seized in a raid on his wife's Belgrade home in February.这些日记在今年2月对姆拉迪奇妻子在贝尔格莱德的住宅查抄时缴获。

10.In Serbia's capital, Belgrade, meanwhile, months of wrangpng over the formation of a new government are coming to a head.与此同时,塞尔维亚首都贝尔格雷德也经历了数月的争论-新政府的形成也到了其紧要关头。