


美式发音: [lɑːmborˈgiːni] 英式发音: 





1.兰博基尼 捷豹 Jaguar 兰博基尼 Lamborghini 路虎 Land Rover ...

2.蓝宝坚尼 Innocenti 依诺森蒂 Lamborghini 林宝坚尼 Cemsa 西玛莎 ...

4.蓝宝基尼 宾利 Bentley 兰伯基尼 Lamborghini SUZUKI 铃木 ...

6.蓝博基尼蓝博基尼LAMBORGHINI),也有翻译成林宝坚尼的,是世界少数可以与FERRARI匹敌的跑车品牌。大众集团,通过AUDI公 …

7.意大利兰博基尼意大利兰博基尼Lamborghini)公司以其著名的跑车闻名于世,它的采暖设备同样誉满全球。产品包括:兰博基尼家用壁挂锅 …

8.跑车兰博基尼  4、世界名跑车兰博基尼Lamborghini)的网络简称用语。 简介   “大牛” 三星Galaxy Note的民间称呼 因其屏幕很大很牛得名!


1.And then when it's not using it, it actually can roll it down in its head just pke the headpghts on your Lamborghini.当不需要光时,鱼就能将其翻向颅内类似你的兰博基尼汽车的车头灯。

2.He's too big for it now, but when the tiger was smaller he would also enjoy a day trip or two in the couple's yellow Lamborghini.它现在太大了,小的时候它很喜欢坐在主人黄色的兰博基尼里面来个一日或者两日游。

3.I can totally understand the owner of a Lamborghini Countach Anniversary edition, to make such a request.我完全能理解兰博基尼纪念版跑车主人作出这样的要求。

4.Torino Lamborghini Spyder Supreme diamond phone is one of the best phones that I have come across lately.兰博基尼至尊钻石手机是目前我所遇见的最好的手机之一。

5.Lamborghini Ferrari born is the enemy, but also doomed to all the world's super sports car is a strong opponent.兰博基尼生来是法拉利的对于头,也注定即是天下全体超级跑车的强劲对于手。

6.Winkelmann explained that Lamborghini would need to see sales drop more than 40% for the year before it runs into the red.温克尔曼说,兰博基尼将需要看到的销售下降40%以上为前一年运行到红色。

7.Unfortunately, these Lamborghini Gallardo shoes are just a concept.兰博基尼高跟鞋,很酷吧,可惜仅仅是个设计。

8.Every corner, every pne is so perfect, are almost silent Lamborghini original interpretation of the United States.每一个棱角、每逐一道线条都是如斯完善,都在冷静解释兰博基尼近乎原始的美。

9.Both the Diablo and the Countach are no longer being produced, so the only Lamborghini car with scissor doors today is the Murcielago.狄阿波罗与库塔什都停产了,所有如今采用剪刀车门的兰博基尼只剩下蝙蝠了。

10.He escalates his case all the way up to Lamborghini CEO Stephen Winkelmann, but apparently the dispute wasn't resolved.他将这个问题一直向上反映到兰博基尼的首席执行长温克尔曼(StephenWinkelmann)那里,但很显然争端没有解决。