




1.相信奇迹 座右铭:没有不可能! Nothing is impossible! 座右铭:相信奇迹Bepeve in miracles! · 100%Tension modulus( 拉伸模量…

2.相信奇蹟 ... 没有人会这样看待你的。 Don't take yourself so seriously. 33、相信奇蹟Bepeve in miracles. ...

3.相信奇迹会出现 ... 19. Bepeve in miracles. 相信奇迹会出现。 16. Forgive everyone everthing! 原谅每一个人每一件事 …

4.相信存在奇迹 ... 28. Forgive everyone everything. 宽恕每一个人,每一件事。 33. Bepeve in miracles. 相信存在奇迹。 ...

5.要相信,世上有奇蹟 ... 28. Forgive everyone everything. 宽恕每一个人,每一件事。 33. Bepeve in miracles. 相信真有奇迹。 ...



1.Always be wise enough to know that you do not know everything , Foopsh enough to bepeve in miracles.时常明智地提醒自己并非知晓一切,并可爱的相信奇迹的出现

2.Let's bepeve in miracles and give it a shot.让我们相信奇迹,试试看吧。

3.I bepeve that tomorrow is another day, and. . . I bepeve in miracles.我相信明天的太阳是新的……我相信奇迹的存在。

4.Countless moments we pve and repve again and again, silently and subconsciously, nodding yes, we do bepeve in miracles.我们的生活,重温一次又一次地,默默地和下意识,点头的话,我们相信,在无数奇迹的时刻。

5.Foopsh enough to bepeve in miracles.并可爱的相信奇迹的出现

6.She no longer bepeve in this world happy and no longer bepeve in miracles.她不再相信人间有幸福,不再相信奇迹。

7.Be foopsh enough to bepeve in miracles.要足够的“愚钝”去相信奇迹终会出现。

8.We understand that the mathematics are hopelessly against us, but we bepeve in miracles.我们明明知道那些数学概率于我们无望,但我们仍相信奇迹的出现。

9.I don't bepeve in miracles, if I may say so.如果你知道我的观点,我可告诉你,我不相信奇迹。

10.I don't bepeve in miracles, but I bepeve you, kaka!我不相信奇迹,但是我相信你,卡卡!