


美式发音: [ˈbelˌbɔɪ] 英式发音: ['bel.bɔɪ]






1.(旅馆的)行李员a person whose job is to carry people's cases to their rooms in a hotel


n.1.a man whose job is to carry peoples bags to their room in a hotel

1.行李员 welcome to 欢迎到来 bellboy 行李员,旅客服务员 madam 夫人,女士,太太 ...

2.旅客服务员 welcome to 欢迎到来 bellboy 行李员,旅客服务员 madam 夫人,女士,太太 ...

3.侍者 门房 porter 侍者 bellboy 餐厅领班 headwaiter ...

4.行李生 ·PR Manager 公关部经理 ·Bellboy 行李生 ·Front Office Receptionist 前厅接待 ...

5.礼宾员 茶艺师学员 Tea art master 礼宾员 Bellboy 网络营销经理 Sales Manager ...

6.旅馆大厅的服务生 ... 13. bipngual 双语的 1. bellboy 旅馆大厅的服务生 2. know better (对事物)有不止如此的了解,认识 ...

7.门童 Luggage 行李 Bellboy 门童 Porter 搬运工 ...


1.The bellboy had decided his western name should be that of his favourite footballer.那位服务员决定取自己最喜爱的球星作为自己的洋名。

2.A bellboy who took me to my room to rest for a few minutes gave me a purple flower and offered me a glass of red wine.行李员还带我去房间稍事休息,并给了我紫色的花,还倒了杯红酒给我。

3.And now if you are ready, Mr. . Li Nan, I'll call the bellboy and he'll take you to you to your room.李南先生,如果您现在准备好了,我叫应接生,他将带您到您的房间。

4.The bellboy is showing Mr. Martin up to his room.服务员正带着马丁先生上楼去他的房间。

5.I'll have someone bring your luggage up. The bellboy will help with your luggage.我叫人帮您把行李搬上去。

6.Here are your keys. The bellboy will show you to your rooms &your luggage will be brought up right way.给你钥匙.侍者将带您去房间,您的行李将立刻拿上去。

7.The bellboy directs the guest check in at the front desk.行李员指引客人到前台办理入住手续。

8.After the group baggage arrives at the hotel, the bellboy should confirm the baggage number and check the baggage with airport bellboy.团队行李抵达酒店后,行李员及时与机场行李员确认行李件数,并检查行李。

9.The bellboy is handing your luggage. He? ll be here in a minute.行李员正在把您的行李送过来,马上就到。

10.The bellboy captain knew the time that the group arrives at the hotel and the group pst by room number.行李领班及时得知团队确切抵达酒店时间及团队房间分配表。