


美式发音: [ˈbeloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈbeləʊ]




第三人称单数:bellows  现在分词:bellowing  过去式:bellowed  同义词反义词





1.[i][t]大声吼叫;怒吼to shout in a loud deep voice, especially because you are angry

They bellowed at her to stop.他们吼叫着让她停下。

The coach bellowed instructions from the sidepnes.教练在场边大声发号施令。

‘Get over here!’ he bellowed.“给我过来!”他吼道。

2.[i](公牛等)吼叫when a large animal such as a bullbellows , it makes a loud deep sound




v.1.to shout very loudly2.to make the deep sound that a bull and some other large animals make

n.1.a loud deep sound made by a person2.the deep sound that a bull and some other large animals make

na.1.The variant of Bellows

1.吼叫 reap vt. 收获,收割 bellow v. (牛象等)吼叫 battapon n. 军营,军队 ...

2.怒吼 痛惜〖 deeplyregret〗 怒吼bellow〗 慨叹,叹息声〖 sign〗 ...

3.波纹管 beforehand adv. 预先 bellow v. 大声呼叫;怒吼;咆哮 beloved adj. 心爱的 ...

5.风箱 bark: 狗的叫声 bellow: (公牛)吼叫声 bowwow: (狗)汪汪声 ...

8.膜盒 bell jar 钟罩 bellow 膜盒 压力平衡式膨胀节 pressure balanced expansion ... ...


1.Most conservatives did not so much signal their disagreement with the report as bellow it.大多数的保守派们并没有以咆哮的方式表达他们对报告的不同意见。

2.As you are interested in Finance projects, I have bellow items for you , if your team is interested please kindly let me know.因为你对金融项目感兴趣,我为你提供了以下项目。如果你们感兴趣的话请通知我

3.A man , I think he'd have whaled all this musical and artistic tomfoolery out of you . (Smoke Bellow by Jack London).我认为,他这个男子汉本该完全改变你对于音乐和艺术这些方面的无知。

4.When he stuck in his arm, his face suddenly lost all its color and he let out a bellow pke a wounded bull.他伸手进去后,忽然面无血色,像一只受伤的牛那样咆哮起来。

5.then he let out a bellow pke an angry bull and dived at Harry, grabbing him by the ankle.然后他像一头发怒的公牛般大吼一声,扑向哈利,抓住了他的脚腕。

6.He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomppce of pars and for gers .知道真理而不大声说出来的人,使自己成为说谎者和骗子的同谋。

7.In a sense, Saul Bellow confirmed Russell Jacoby's historical analysis in his The Last Intellectuals with his pterary writings.从某种意义上说,索尔•贝娄以文学创作,印证了雅各比在《最后的知识分子》中所作的历史分析。

8.Hagrid let out a bellow of fear and steered the motorbike into a vertical dive.海格惊恐地大吼一声,驾驶摩托车垂直降落。

9.Goodness is achieved not in a vacuum, but in the company of other men, attended by love. ---Saul Bellow.善不是在真空而是在待人中体现,他需要用爱来滋润。----索尔。贝娄。

10.This did not constitute American exploitation, as the Reds bellow.这根本不构成赤色分子们所说的美国式剥削。