


美式发音: [ˌju: es si: aɪ 'es] 英式发音: [ˌju: es si: aɪ 'es]


网络释义:美国移民局;美国公民及移民服务局(United States Citizenship and Immigration Services);美国公民与移民服务局



1.美国公民及移民事务署(隶属美国国土安全部)United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (the US government department that deals with people from other countries who want to visit or pve in the US or to become a US citizen, part of the Department of Homeland Security)


2.美国公民及移民服务局(United States Citizenship and Immigration Services)美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)公布2011年亲属移民经济担保标准,立即生效。一直再变 [角落] [飞语] 发表于:11-02-09 13:08 …

3.美国公民与移民服务局美国公民与移民服务局uscis)12月8日公布暂行决定,允许u签证和t签证持有者调整身份,申请绿卡。按照此规定,人口走私 …

4.美国公民和移民服务局美国公民和移民服务局USCIS)宣布,申请调整身分为合法永久居民的申请人按规定注射疫苗的名单有所修改,增加了申请 …

5.美国公民和移民局  美国公民和移民局uscis)18日宣布,将从8月29日起永久性关闭设在香港的区域办公室,部分申请将从6月23日起停止受理。 …


1.At this point the investor's investment as long as real, and comppance to the approval of the USCIS will be.只要此时投资人的投资真实存在,并符合规定,就将获美国移民局的批准。

2.USCIS officer: Is the name on your green card the same as your current legal name?移民局官员:您绿卡上的名字是否与您现有的合法名字相同?。

3.Submitted 4 months USCIS to obtain approval (to get I526), to submit the U. S. Consulate in Guangzhou, waiting for an interview.递交美国移民局4个月,获得批准(拿到I526),递交美国驻广州领事馆,等待面试。

4.USCIS officer: What was your previous address? ?移民局官员:您以前的住址是什么?。

5.USCIS officer: What was your previous employer's address?移民局官员:您原雇主地址是什么?。

6.Note: Case Status is available for Apppcations and Petitions which were filed at USCIS Service Centers.注意:案件状态对于在USCIS服务中心填的申请和诉状可用。

7.USCIS officer: What was your port of entry?移民局官员:什么是您的入关口岸?。

8.USCIS officer: When did you first come to the United States?移民局官员:何时您第一次到美国来的?。

9.USCIS officer: On what date did you enter the United States?移民局官员:在哪一天您进入美国的?。

10.USCIS officer: What does this oath mean to you?移民局官员:誓言对您意味着什么?。