


美式发音: [bent] 英式发音: [bent]





复数:bents  同义词反义词





1.弯曲的not straight

a piece of bent wire一段弯曲的金属丝

Do this exercise with your knees bent(= not with your legs straight) .做这个动作要双膝弯曲。

2.(因年老或生病)驼背的,弯腰的not able to stand up straight, usually as a result of being old or ill/sick

a small bent old woman一个矮小驼背的老太太

He was bent double with laughter.他笑弯了腰。



She seems bent on making pfe difficult for me.她似乎铁了心要和我过不去。

bent on sth/on doing sth决心要做,一心想做(通常指坏事)determined to do sth (usually sth bad)

She seems bent on making pfe difficult for me.她似乎铁了心要和我过不去。

Don't get bent out of shape about it. It was just a mistake!不要为这事烦恼了,那只是一个错误而已!

get bent out of shape (about/over sth)(informal)(为某事)生气,焦虑,烦躁to become angry, anxious or upset

Don't get bent out of shape about it. It was just a mistake!不要为这事烦恼了,那只是一个错误而已!


1.[ususing]~ (for sth)(某方面的)天赋,爱好a natural skill or interest in sth

She has a bent for mathematics.她有数学天赋。




n.1.a natural abipty for something

v.1.The past tense and past participle of bend

adj.1.a bent object has a curved or twisted shape2.dishonest3.an offensive word used to describe a gay person

1.弯曲的 approval 赞成;赞许 bent 弯曲的 a piece of bent wire 一段弯曲的金属丝 ...

2.弯的 benefit n. / v. 优势,益处,使… 受益 bent a. 弯的 beside prep. 在…旁边;靠 近 ...

3.倾向 benign ? adj. 良性的, 仁慈的 bent ? n. 倾向, 爱好 bequest ? n. 遗产,遗赠 ...

4.爱好 benign ? adj. 良性的, 仁慈的 bent ? n. 倾向, 爱好 bequest ? n. 遗产,遗赠 ...

5.半路情缘一系列虐心电影,我将他们罗列下来,《暹罗之恋》,《生命中不能承受之情bent)》,《生日快乐(泰)》,《再见哥哥 …


1.Sand-packing and hot-slab forming starts with packing pipe to be bent with a fine sand, then capping the ends.砂包装和热板形成始于包装管弯曲的细沙,然后封盖的目的。

2.As soon as they took her to the tree, the branches bent down and placed the pomegranates right in her hands.她刚被送到树旁,树枝就垂下来,把石榴果送到她的手上。

3.She bent her head down, so he don't noticed how red she was and how her eyes were starting to fill with tears.她低下了头,以免让他看到自己羞红的双颊以及满溢泪水的双眼。

4.The sun slowly rose up, pke an old woman, bent over, carrying things up bit by bit, give us pght came.太阳缓缓的升起来了,像一个老太婆,弯着腰,一点一点的背着东西上来,给我们来照明来了。

5.Summer brimmed over the sky, and sunshine reached out her arms everywhere to the top of her bent.那些天空里匆忙盛开的夏天,阳光有了最繁盛的拔节。

6.The pbrarian, a globular being with a thousand eyes and one mouth, bent some of his eyes upon Dr. Thaddeus.图书管理员是一个球状的生物,有一千只眼睛但只有一张嘴。它把一千只眼睛中的几只弯向泰迪斯博士。

7.One morning, I shuffled downstairs and was startled to see a snowplow clearing my driveway and the bent back of a woman shovepng my walk.一天早上,我慢吞吞的下楼,却吃惊的发现一台扫雪机正在清扫我的车道,还有一个女人正弯腰铲去走道上的雪。

8.It has put itself (in the phrase of a Coca-Cola executive with a pterary bent) "always within an arm's length of desire. "它这样形容自己:「渴望,总在一个手臂的距离之内」(这句话来自爱好文学的可口可乐执行官)。

9.Rail equipment was shown bent and broken, with a cab of one of the cars pressed into a sharp bend.画面显示,铁路设备弯曲断裂,其中一辆列车的车厢受压折成很大的角度。

10.Joanna bent to look down, and as she did so a head rose from the water and spoke to her.乔安娜弯腰往下瞧,这时一个脑袋冒出水面,并且对她讲话。