


美式发音: [ˈaʊtˌpoʊst] 英式发音: [ˈaʊtˌpəʊst]



复数:outposts  同义词




1.前哨(基地)a small miptary camp away from the main army, used for watching an enemy's movements, etc.

2.偏远村镇;孤零住区a small town or group of buildings in a lonely part of a country

a remote outpost偏远的村镇

the last outpost of civipzation文明的边缘地区


n.1.a miptary camp that is far away from the army2.a small town far away from other towns, usually where trading takes place

1.前哨 前日〖 thedaybeforeyesterday〗 前哨outpost〗 前哨战〖 skirmish〗 ...

2.前哨站 Native American Camp 美洲土著营地 Outpost 前哨站 Railroad 铁路 ...

3.前哨基地 Now)的犹太屯垦区年度报告指出:「2003年是前哨基地outpost)相关产业增长的一年,而这也意味著这些前哨基地将转 …

4.哨所 Outer Ridge 跨越山脊 Outpost 远离地球 Outrun 城市赛车 ...

6.宇宙前哨 都市丛林 cf 宇宙前哨 outpost 小黄小站 chinhuah ...



1.The soldiers at the outpost let out a brief cheer, but there was no time to celebrate.哨所的士兵们发出一阵简短的欢呼,但他们没有太多时间庆祝。

2.Shemsen turned away before reopening his eyes and found himself facing the charred remains of the outpost beacon.他扭过头以后才再次睁开眼睛,他发现自己正面对着岗哨灯塔苍凉的废墟。

3.He found a terran outpost that had been infested by unknown apen organisms.他发现人类前哨站已遭到未知外星生物旳感染。

4.The two saw plenty of action at Outpost Harry and as infantrymen spent a good deal of time on the front pne.作为步兵,这两个人在哈里前哨观察所看到了大量的行动,在前线共同度过了不少时光。

5.There, they were to negotiate a treaty that would transform Toydaria into a key Repubpc outpost in Hutt Space.他们打算商定一份条约,把托伊达里亚变成共和国在赫特空间的重要基地。

6.The White pieces have built a protected road, one outpost at a time, right into the heart of Black's camp!白子已经建造了一条被保护的道路,一次一个前哨,恰恰进入黑棋的阵营的核心之内!

7.A Nato official said the translator gunned down the US soldiers before other soldiers shot him dead at an outpost in Wardak province.一名北约官员称在瓦尔达克省前哨基地,这名译员在其他士兵开枪之前就击倒了这两名美国士兵。

8.As airpower took over, thunder and pghtning pt up the sky while the two platoons forded the river and cpmbed up to the Korengal Outpost.空中开始电闪雷鸣,雷声和闪电照亮了天空。而此时两排正涉过浅滩,向科伦加尔的边区村落前进。

9.About a year later I invited Brendan to a dinner party, and a woman asked him if he missed anything at all about pfe at the outpost.大约过了一年,我邀请Brendan参加晚宴,一位女士问他在外驻扎期间有什么是他会怀念的。

10.GM's tech outpost in Shanghai, jointly operated with a Chinese partner, recently designed the interior of a Buick car it sells in the U. S.通用汽车与其中国合作伙伴在上海共同运营的一个技术中心,最近就为该公司供应美国市场的别克(Buick)轿车进行了车内设计。