


美式发音: [bɪˈreɪt] 英式发音: [bɪ'reɪt]



第三人称单数:berates  现在分词:berating  过去式:berated  同义词反义词


v.rebuke,tell off,shout at,harangue,criticize



1.~ sb/yourself痛斥;严厉指责to criticize or speak angrily to sb because you do not approve of sth they have done


v.1.to talk to someone in an angry way because they have done something wrong

1.严责 bequest ? n. 遗产,遗赠 berate ? v. 严责 beseech ? v. 祈求,恳求 ...

2.严厉指责 rumors n. 流言, 谣言, 传闻 berate vt. 严厉指责, 申斥 terminator n. 终结者, 终结器, [天]明暗界限 ...

3.呵斥 (1) 鱼很多的样子[ fishy] (1) 呵斥[ berate; scold] 口[ mouth] ...

4.训斥 benumb 使僵化 berate 训斥 bereavement 丧亲之哀 ...

5.漫骂 漫江[ the whole stream] 漫骂[ abuse;berate;objurgate;curse] 海流漫漫[ all over the place] ...

6.痛斥 belt " 腰带, 带子;区域, 地带" berate " 严厉责备,痛斥" bird " 鸟,奇怪的人" ...

7.猛烈责骂 bequest n. 遗产,遗赠物 berate v. 猛烈责骂 bereave v. 丧亲,夺去 ...

8.痛骂 bequest n. 遗产,遗传 berate v. 痛骂 bereave v. 剥夺 ...


1.After three years of hearing Johnson berate him, the 6-3 point guard is ready to help lead Dallas to a championship.被Johnson训斥了三年后,这个6-3的后卫准备好帮助达拉斯争夺总冠军了。

2.She would either berate her for associating with such a freak, or storm off to her room and slam the door.她要么说她整天和一个怪物混在一起,要么就直接摔门冲出房间。

3.Repubpcans berate him for exuding weakness, noting that his big speech on nuclear disarmament was upstaged by a North Korean missile test.共和党指责奥巴马的软弱,这边总统发布关于核裁军的长篇大论,那边北朝鲜就开始了导弹测试。

4.If, sometime after reading this, you become an actual explorer of Mars, feel free to look me up and berate me for my lack of faith in you.如果有人读过这些东西后真正成为火星探险者,随时回来找我,批评我对你的不自信。

5.He feared she would berate him for his forgetfulness .他担心,由于健忘又要挨她的训斥了。

6.He was an early cellphone user, and she would call on his big, clunky model to berate him.(韦伯先生很早就开始使用手机,于是韦伯夫人会一个电话打到丈夫那只巨大而笨重的“大哥大”上,严厉责备一番)。

7.If you set the bar too high and you already feel as if you're sppping, don't berate yourself.如果你为自己指定的目标过高而感到自己无法达到,也不要因此而责备自己。

8.James Dobson, the former head of Focus on the Family, a social conservative group, used to berate Mr Obama for his " fruitcake " ideas.爱家协会——一个社会保守社团——的前任领袖詹姆斯。多布森过去一直批评奥巴马的“水果蛋糕”理念。

9.In fact, logic usually makes things worse, as you berate yourself for being silly.事实上,逻辑思维通常做出错误判断,就像你因为太糊涂而严厉斥责自己。

10.But lately American leaders have shown signs of the inertia for which they used to berate Japan.但最近,美国领导人所显示出的不想改变的迹象正是他们当初痛斥日本的原因。