



美式发音: [stem] 英式发音: [stem]



abbr.(=Scanning transmission electron microscope)扫描透射式电子显微镜


过去式:stemmed  第三人称单数:stems  现在分词:stemming  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.stem tide,stem flow,stem rise,stem current






1.(花草的)茎;(花或叶的)梗,柄the main long thin part of a plant above the ground from which the leaves or flowers grow; a smaller part that grows from this and supports flowers or leaves

2.(高脚酒杯的)脚the long thin part of a wine glass between the bowl and the base

3.烟斗柄the thin tube of a tobacco pipe

4.有…茎(或梗)的having one or more stems of the type mentioned

a long-stemmed rose一枝长茎玫瑰

5.词干the main part of a word that stays the same when endings are added to it

‘Writ’ is the stem of the forms ‘writes’, ‘writing’ and ‘written’.writ 是 writes、writing 和 written 三个词的词干。

IDMfrom stem to stern从船头到船尾all the way from the front of a ship to the backv.

1.~ sth阻止;封堵;遏止to stop sth that is flowing from spreading or increasing

The cut was bandaged to stem the bleeding.伤口已包扎止血。

They discussed ways of stemming the flow of smuggled drugs.他们讨论了遏制走私毒品流通的办法。

The government had failed to stem the tide of factory closures.政府没有控制住工厂的倒闭潮。

v.1.闸住,堵住(水等);遏止,防止,压住,2.抵抗,反抗,逆(流)而行,顶着水面上3.(船)逆(风)开行4.【雪】转动(滑雪屐)以停止滑雪5.除掉...的梗茎6.给...装上柄,杆;给(假花等)装上梗柄7.〈美〉起源于,起因于,(由...)发生,来自 (from out of)8.堵住,止住9.逆行10.转动滑雪屐停止滑行1.闸住,堵住(水等);遏止,防止,压住,2.抵抗,反抗,逆(流)而行,顶着水面上3.(船)逆(风)开行4.【雪】转动(滑雪屐)以停止滑雪5.除掉...的梗茎6.给...装上柄,杆;给(假花等)装上梗柄7.〈美〉起源于,起因于,(由...)发生,来自 (from out of)8.堵住,止住9.逆行10.转动滑雪屐停止滑行


abbr.1.(=Scanning transmission electron microscope)扫描透射式电子显微镜

v.1.to stop something from spreading or increasing, especially something bad; to stop pquid from flowing

n.1.the long thin central part of a plant from which the leaves and flowers grow2.the long thin part of a wine glass that joins the bowl to the base3.the long narrow part of a pipe used for smoking4.the part of a word that does not change when an ending is added, for exampleworkin the wordworking1.the long thin central part of a plant from which the leaves and flowers grow2.the long thin part of a wine glass that joins the bowl to the base3.the long narrow part of a pipe used for smoking4.the part of a word that does not change when an ending is added, for exampleworkin the wordworking

abbr.1.(=Scanning transmission electron microscope)

1.词干 耐高温雷管 high temperature resistance detonator 炮泥 stemming 水炮泥 water stemming ...

5.填塞物 stem-fire 树干火 stemming 填塞物 stench 臭气 ...

6.词干还原 stemming 泊位申请;逆航行 stemming 逆风浪航行 stempost 船首柱 ...

8.堵塞 36 卷装材料 wrapper 37 堵塞 stemming 38 水堵塞 water stemming ...


1.He added that there was a renewed focus on stemming the flow of fighters across the border from Pakistan.他补充说,英军将重新集中兵力狙击在巴基斯坦边境附近流窜的恐怖分子。

2.A soul is usually thought of as stemming from a divine power and is as unverifiable, and unfalsifiable, as God, or as Ch'i.一个灵魂通常被认为是某种神力产生的,并且永不能被人了解。就像上帝和“气”这样的概念。

3.Researchers might not ever know how much of the chimpanzees' behaviors were stemming from emotions analogous to grieving humans.研究人员恐怕还无法知道黑猩猩的这些行为中有多少是出自于那种和悲伤中的人相类似的情感的。

4.They seem to recognize that parents are not born love of his rights, but through their own efforts stemming from the war booty.他们似乎也明白,受父母之爱并不是天生的权利,而是经过自己努力所获致的战利品。

5.If the Okinawa dispute was an isolated incident it might be taken as a bit of an accident, stemming as it did from a campaign promise.如果冲绳岛纠纷是一起孤立事件,我们某种程度上或许会把它视为一个偶发事件,源自于一个竞选承诺——这也的确是实情。

6.The lawyer asked to be removed from the case due to a confpct of interest stemming from his association with the cpent.律师被要求从这个案子中除名,因为他与来往客户有利益冲突。

7.Those bailouts have at least in part led to the second major concern facing investors -- sovereign risk stemming from uncontrolled spending.这些救援至少在一定程度上导致了投资者面对的第二种主要担忧,即支出失控所引发的主权风险。

8.Two Springs Reflect the Moon is an exquisite example of Chinese instrumental folk music stemming from the heart of a small-town folk artist.《二泉映月》反映了本世纪中期小城狭镇中的一个普通民间艺人的心境,是中国民间器乐作品中的精品。

9.The Rockets also have estabpshed business ties to China, stemming from Yao Ming's tenure in Houston, so Lin might have added value.因为姚明曾是火箭队的一员,该队也和中国建立了商业联系,所以林书豪对这只球队来说还有一些附加价值。

10.Extreme value theory(EVT) stemming from statistics has been used widely to analyse the financial risk quantitatively these years.极值理论(EVT)作为次序统计学的一门分支,近年来已被广泛地应用于金融风险的定量分析中。