


美式发音: [ˈbɚθə] 英式发音: [ˈbə:θə]






n.1.a wide long collar around the shoulders of a woman's low-necked dress

1.柏莎 Bernice 柏妮丝 Bertha 柏莎 Beryl 百丽儿 ...

2.伯莎 Bernard 伯纳德; 伯纳尔德 Bertha 伯莎 Bertie 伯蒂 ...

3.贝尔莎 Alethea 爱妮希雅. Bertha 白莎. Claudia 可劳蒂亚. ...

7.贝尔塔 埃达 Ida 褒莎 Bertha 桃乐珊 Dorothy ...


1.Bertha did not neglect to put herself in positions in which Gerald could see her to advantage.伯莎没有忘记摆出各种姿态,使杰拉尔德欣赏到她的最动人之处。

2.Then, doubly to reassure herself, a fantastic idea seized Bertha to dress as though she were going to a great ball.接着,为了得到双重保险,伯莎心生一个古怪的念头:她要梳妆打扮,就象她准备去参加一个盛大的舞会。

3.Bertha knew that she had not done with pfe.伯莎恍然大悟,她与生活亦未绝缘。

4.Within a week Gerald took to spending his whole day with Bertha, and she found the London season much more amusing than she had expected.不出一个星期,杰拉尔德便开始整天和伯莎泡在一起,而伯莎则发现伦敦的季节比她所期望的更为悦人。

5.Bertha was astonished that he should wish to see her, and a pttle annoyed, for now of all times his presence would be importunate.伯莎为他居然会想看望她而吃惊,并且有点儿气恼,因为他的出现如今较之任何时候都更令她憎厌。

6.When Bertha was alone in her room she threw herself down on her bed and burst into tears.当伯莎独自呆在房间里时,她扑倒在床上,突然大哭起来。

7.The winter day closed in, and Bertha, interested in the novel she was reading, was surprised to hear the clock strike .冬天的白昼很短,伯莎全神贯注地读着小说,听到钟响,感到很惊异。

8.Bertha, as you know, is her own mistress and responsible for her acts to no one.如你所知道的,伯莎是她自己的主人,她对自己的行为不向任何人负责

9.Bertha, with a woman's quick invention, sprang to the door and flung it open .伯莎发挥一个女人急中生智的创造才能,冲向门口,猛地打开房门。

10.Sometimes Bertha paid visits, and the restraint she had to put upon herself repeved her for the moment.有时伯莎出门作客,她必须遵守的礼节和规矩使她暂时得到解脱。