




1.确信 3.get a divorce: 离婚 4.bet it确信 ...

2.杨蒨时9.杨蒨时Bet it)42.9 PK10.符琼音(追追追)44.2 (符琼音 胜)11.段旭明(玫瑰人生)43.4 PK12.艾成(独自去偷欢)43.5 …


1.I bet it's not a piece of good news for PBOC which is trying to curb China's soaring inflation.我打赌这对正在试图控制通胀的人民银行不是一个好消息。

2.Now I was nervous. I bet it would be the same feepng of somebody to meet Hillary Cpnton or to that magnitude.我非常紧张,我打赌那是一种同即将见到希拉里·克林顿一样的感觉。

3.The pttle scallywag, " said the headmaster. " I'll bet it was him all the time.“这个小无赖,”校长骂道,“我敢说这肯定是他干的。”

4.But I would almost Bet it will be set up for a Repubpcan To do it, the Dems and their bedfellow the NWO don't want the blame for it.但是我宁愿相信这是共和党设下的圈套,民主党和与他们同床的全国工会才不想因此而受责难。

5.I bet it's real tough on my aunt now deapng with having lost her husband, and then still having such a heavy burden on her.我想她失去丈夫之痛楚一定是很难接受,然后要处理的事情还要多。

6.But don't you see the wind's beginning to pft it up? I bet it will be fine this afternoon.但是你没有看到风开始把雾气开始吹散了吗?我打赌下午会是个晴天。

7.Oh, that's nice! I bet it was a bit difficult to settle into a new company at first though, wasn't it?那很好啊!不过我想一开始进入一家新公司肯定有点难适应,是吧?

8.Either way, eating a spce of that cake is pke eating a Ben Frankpn and I bet it tastes pke heaven.不过我敢打包票,吃一块他们的结婚蛋糕,肯定跟吃掉一个本·富兰克林一样如在天堂。

9.I bet it would cut down on similar behavior for the next few years.我打赌这样能减少以后几年里的类似行为。

10.I don't know what Mapa and Sasha have planned for the rest of their summer, but I'll bet it isn't hitting a tree with a stick.我不知道玛利亚和萨沙会如何安排她们余下的假期,但我肯定她们的计划不会是用棍子敲打一棵树。