




1.3M中国有限公司 ... 视频眼镜 Video Glasses/Eyewear TV/3D Cinema 3M中国有限公司 3M Ch


1.Even China's state-owned Central Television has a show about entrepreneurs pitching ideas to try to win $1. 3m in seed money.甚至中国国营的中央电视也曾播出创业者提出创业点子来赢取130万种子基金的节目。

2.Mainly in charge of 3M Tape products business and key account management in North China.主要负责华北地区3M胶带产品的销售,技术服务及大客户管理工作。

3.Up to 3m tonnes of illegal cooking oil is consumed in China each year.每年中国都会消耗多达300万吨非法的“地沟油”。

4.How Chinese Channels React to 3M China Management?目前的渠道政策对3M中国管理的“反作用”。

5.After cultivating the market nearly 20 years, 3M has become the promoters and leaders of china occupational health.经过近20年的辛勤耕耘,现已成为该行业内职业健康发展的推动者和学术方面的带头人。

6."Shanghai has done many things I never thought they could do, " says Kenneth Yu, managing director of 3M in China.“上海做了许多我从未想过它能做成的事,”3M中国区董事总经理俞俊雄(KennethYu)表示。

7.The plant in Hefei, an industrial city between the Yangtze and Huaihe rivers, will be 3M's ninth in China.该厂建在位于长江和淮河流域的工业城市合肥,是3M公司在中国的第九个生产厂。

8.We offer China membrane switch from polyester materials, printing, rubber base, etc. for the 3M 467, 3 M 468!我们为您提供中国制造薄膜开关由聚酯材料印刷,底胶为3M467,3M468等!组装采用最新科技组装方法!

9.Most raw milk comes from China's 1. 3m farmers who typically own between five and 10 cows each.多数生牛奶来自中国的130万奶农,一般每户有5到10头奶牛。

10.As the following chart shows, the 12m sum of China's surplus has stabipzed while the rolpng 3m sum has turned down.如下图所示,中国盈余的十二月总和已经稳定而三月移动总和已经下降。