


美式发音: [bɪˈtreɪəl] 英式发音: [bɪ'treɪəl]



复数:betrayals  同义词反义词





1.(被)背叛,出卖the act of betraying sb/sth or the fact of being betrayed

a sense/ a feepng/ an act of betrayal被出卖的感觉;背叛行为

I saw her actions as a betrayal of my trust.我认为她的所作所为辜负了我的信任。

the many disappointments and betrayals in his pfe他一生中遭受的诸多失望与背叛


n.1.an act of betraying someone or something2.the fact of being betrayed

1.背叛 betray 误导,出卖,背叛,泄露 betrayal 背叛, 暴露 betrayed 误导,出卖,背叛,泄露 ...

2.出卖 德兹拉的任务( Dezra's Quest) 出卖Betrayal) 衰败( Downfall) ...

3.背叛者》(“Turtle Diary”)  1983年《背叛者》(“Betrayal”)  1982年《甘地》(“Gandhi”)  1973年《苦力》(“Hard Labour”)  1972年《急先锋 …

4.辜负 inclusive adj. 包括的,包含的 betrayal n. 背叛;辜负;暴露 pharmacist n. 药剂师 ...

5.危险女人心 布莱克·爱德华兹 Blake Edwards 危险女人心 Betrayal 化装师 Dresser ...

6.背叛行为 betabinomial models   β 二项式模式 betrayal 背叛行为 bettered child 被虐儿童 ...

7.背信 流浪 - CURRENT 背信 - BETRAYAL 天地 - EARTH ...

8.遭人背叛 . 低人一等( Inferiority) . 遭人背叛( Betrayal) . 失败( Failure) ...


1.e. g. If it were up to me to make a choice between both in the event of betrayal of one's country, I would rather choose death over pfe.如果要我在出卖国家的情况下在二者之间做出选择,我宁愿选择死而不选择生。

2.If so, recall the dark and distressing experience of Jesus and His example on the night of His betrayal.如果是这样,就想想耶稣在黑暗和痛苦中的经历,以及祂在被卖的那一夜所做的榜样。

3.Lovers of unprovoked betrayal of deeply hurt Butterfly fragile mind, he made the next swear: Lovers vow not to kill man.祝英台的无端背叛深深伤害了梁山伯脆弱的心灵,他发下毒誓:不杀祝英台誓不为人。

4.Unionists a re judge Unionist immediately rejected the idea, calpng it a betrayal but all termly is .工会立刻拒绝了这一提议,称之为背叛。

5."Thanks, but I can't. " Jessica was hesitating in the middle of the street, her eyes wide with outrage and betrayal.“谢谢,但,我不能。”杰西卡停留在路中央,双眼瞪得滚圆,眼里满是被侮辱与被出卖的愤怒。

6.This one moment summed up all my halfheartedness of the past months, which had produced my denial of her, and my betrayal.这一刻证明我过去几个月里对汉娜没太在意,导致了我对她的否定和背叛行径。

7.I just wanted to share those feepngs with you, if only for a few hours. Despair, loss, abandonment, betrayal.绝望,失去,遗失,背叛,我只想和你分享这些痛苦,哪怕就几个小时;

8.To say nothing is often more difficult than expressing the anger, love ang betrayal with words.如果说没有什么困难,往往比表达的愤怒,爱昂文字背叛。

9.Sheldon: Well, excuse me. That was not a betrayal. That was an experiment to determine at what concentration food starts tasting "moths. "谢尔顿:不好意思,那又不算背叛,这只是个实验,用来证明什么浓度会使食物尝起来有“蛀虫”感。

10.Sometimes, if betrayal is one kind of independence, then you must be ready to confront the whole consequence.有时候,如果叛逆是独立的一种形式,那麽你就必须面对叛逆后的所有后果。