


美式发音: [dɪˈmɑɡrəfi] 英式发音: [dɪˈmɒɡrəfi]





1.人口统计;人口统计学;人口学the changing number of births, deaths, diseases, etc. in a community over a period of time; the scientific study of these changes

the social demography of Africa非洲社会人口统计


n.1.the study of populations

1.人口学 社会学 Sociology 人口学 Demography 人类学 Anthropology ...

2.人口统计学 demagogy n 煽动,蛊惑人心 demography n 人口统计学 endemic a 本地的;地方性的 ...

3.人口结构 memory types 记忆类型 macrodemography 宏观人口统计 macroengineering 大工程学 ...

5.人口组成  对大选结果的这一人口组成demography)解释,还要加上妇女“半边天”和年轻人口投票率的上升,因而出现了共和党对自身“ …


1.The subject of demography has merged with that of reproductive strategies of organisms.关于生命统计这个课题已渗入了关于有机体繁殖对策的课题。

2.As if these macroeconomic worries were not enough, share prices also face a potential hurdle in the form of deteriorating demography.暂且不管宏观经济方面的忧虑,股价仍面临一个潜在障碍,即日益恶化的人口状况。

3.Economists trying to map the global economic recovery tend to focus on demography.正在试图勾勒全球经济复苏图景的经济学家们倾向于把注意力放在人口学上。

4.But demography is not the only explanation for Vojvodina's disappearing minorities.但人口统计学也不是伏伊伏丁那地区少数民族日趋消亡的唯一解释。

5.Rural economy, rural development and rural demography, has always been our fundamental concern on social and economic development.农业、农村和农民问题,始终是我国社会经济发展最为基本的问题。

6.To understand how this can be, remember that momentum matters hugely in demography.这究竟是为什么,请记住那种增长势头在人口统计学中起着及其重要的作用。

7.This slow-motion disaster, demography insists, cannot be avoided without a major shift in resources.这是一场缓慢进行的灾难,人口统计学仍坚持不能避免资源的主要转移。

8.Japan's ugly demography, with a shrinking working-age population and a growing grey-haired one, helped the downward pressure on wages.日本不体面的人口统计学,计算工龄的人数的减少以及不断增加的头发花白的劳动者,都对压低工资起到了推波助澜的作用。

9.Demography is not destiny. Nor for that matter are long-range economic forecasts from investment banks.人口统计决定不了命运,投资银行的长期经济预测同样不能。

10.owing to the problems existing in urban demography, the urbanization rate might be overestimated.由于城镇人口的统计存在不真实问题,因而城镇化率有高估的可能;