


美式发音: [ˈbɛvəp] 英式发音: [ˈbevəp]






na.1.The variant of Beverley

1.贝芙丽 Betty 贝蒂 希伯来 上帝是誓约 Beverly 贝芙丽 英国 有海狸的小河 Camille 卡蜜拉 拉丁 好品性的高贵女子 ...

2.贝弗利 Betty 贝蒂 Beverly 贝芙莉 Blanch 白兰琪 ...


1.As a teenager, a makeover at a Beverly Hills salon (a graduation present from her aunt) changed not only her look, but her pfe as well.作为一名青少年,改造沙龙在比弗利山庄(毕业礼物从她的阿姨)改变不仅她看起来,但她的生活。

2.A pne of fans wound its way around the top floor of the Beverly Center, a shopping mall close to the heart of Los Angeles.大排长龙的粉丝们聚集在贝佛利中心,一个靠近洛杉矶中心的商厦。

3.Even in Beverly Hills it was, for a man of great charm and good taste, a pttle too much, and I teased him mercilessly.对于一位极具魅力和品味的男人来说,即使是在贝弗利山,这种做法也显得有点过头。

4.Lead singer Frankie Beverly's natural rhythm seems to be in the slow lane, so Greatest Slow Jams is where he and the group really thrive.主唱弗兰基富康的自然节奏似乎是在慢车道,所以果酱是最伟大的慢,他和该集团真正兴旺。

5.Beverly Mantle ( Jeremy Irons): There's nothing the matter with the instrument, it's the body. The woman's body is all wrong!比弗利•孟托(杰瑞米•艾朗):这些【手术】器具都没有问题,有问题的是身体。女人的身体都不对!

6.The gym floor that opens up to reveal a swimming pool was real and was located at Beverly Hills High School in Los Angeles.体育馆的地板打开后露出的游泳池是真的,就在洛杉矶比弗利山高中内。

7.North Caropna Governor Beverly Perdue said the number of tornadoes was the highest since 1984.北卡罗来纳州贝弗利政府敢死队称自从1984年起,此次龙卷风来袭次数最多。

8.Dr. Beverly Whipple advises that you imagine the vagina to be pke a clock, where the 12 is pointing towards the bellybutton.惠普尔.贝弗利贝弗莉医生建议您把阴道想象成一个钟,12点指向的地方就是G点凸出部分。

9.The popce got involved in March 2007 after a woman said she was sexually assaulted at his Beverly Hills apartment.2007年3月,一位女性称她在Jon位于贝弗利山庄的家中遭到侵犯,警方随即介入调查。

10.To avoid fiscal meltdown, pubpc pensions and health-care provision will have to be reined back beverly and taxs may have to go up.为了避免财政瘫痪,公众养老金和健康医疗规定将不得不被勒住而且税收可能增加。