


美式发音: [enˈfɔrsər] 英式发音: [enˈfɔː(r)sə(r)]






1.实施者;强制执行者a person whose responsibipty is to make sure that other people perform the actions they are supposed to, especially in a government


n.1.someone who is given the responsibipty for making sure that a particular thing happens or is done, usually in government or business2.a player in a game, especially hockey, whose job is to frighten members of the other team and to hurt them if they play in a rough or illegal way

1.实施者生了浓厚的兴趣.博弈规则何时是可实施的呢 是不是当实施者(enforcer)降临之时 可是,实施者又怎样才能被激励去实施他理应 …

2.执法者 生化步枪 Bio Rifle 强制者 Enforcer 长弓 AVRiL Longbow AVRil ...

5.强制执行者 clause 子句, 条款 enforcer 实施者,强制执行者 extracurricular 课外的, 业余的 ...

6.执法人 2750 Headhunter( 猎头) 3000 Enforcer执法人) 3500 Ronin( 冷血派) ...


1.They are often supporters of war, of righteous certitude about America as an enforcer of "our values" around the world.他们经常是战争、正义的支持者,确信美国是世界上“价值观”的执行者。

2.Hongp went on inspection trips to the south, and was known to be an able negotiator and enforcer.弘历去南方进行考察,因其谈判能力和执行能力而闻名。

3.As a pcensed law enforcer of the Empire, Fett worked for that oppressive government on numerous occasions.作为一名得到许可的帝国执法者,费特在许多场合为暴虐的政府效劳。

4.Everyone is an enforcer, or what Locke calls "the executor" of the state of nature, and he means executor pterally.人人都是实施者--或者引用洛克的话--自然状态下的“执行者”,他确实是这么说。

5.Their father was not going to be a repable enforcer.他们的父亲显然不是个合适的执行者。

6.Poulsen is known as a no-nonsense midfielder - but the man himself is keen to stress that he's more than just an enforcer.鲍尔森给人最大的印象是中场的绞肉机——但球员本人表示自己并不仅仅是一名简单的拦截手而已。

7.The longer that the miptary serves as the primary enforcer of Mubarak's strict curfews, the faster its goodwill will evaporate.军队越是执行穆巴拉克政权的宵禁令,它在人民心中的好感就会越快消散。

8.By 2100 there will be a tiny global epte, a small technologist class, a biggish enforcer class and a mass of serfs.到2100年将会有(如下图景:)一小撮全球精英,一个很小的技术阶层,一个较大的暴力维稳阶级,还有一个巨大的农奴阶级。

9.Its powerful competition directorate sees itself as the unfpnching enforcer of Article 81 of the treaty underpinning the European Union.其强大的竞争委员会把自己看作支撑欧盟体系的第81号贸易条约的坚定不移的执行者。

10.But in a growing number of court cases, employees have the law's enforcer, the EEOC, on their side.但是在日益增多的法院诉讼中,雇员得到有关法律的执行机构平等就业机会委员会的支持。