


美式发音: [bɪˈwɪldə(r)d] 英式发音: [bɪˈwɪldə(r)d]





Adj.+n.bewildered expression






adj.1.confused and not certain what to do

v.1.the past tense and past participle of bewilder

1.迷惑 convinced * 说服 bewildered * 迷惑 incredulous * 不轻信 ...

2.困惑的 innocent 天真可爱的; bewildered 困惑的; Adv. bitterly 痛苦地; ...

3.迷惑的 benevolent 仁慈的 bewildered 迷惑的,张皇失措的 bizarre 怪异的 ...

4.感到眼花缭乱的 bewildering 令人眼花缭乱的 bewildered 感到眼花缭乱的 in action 行动中的,活动中的 ...

5.糊涂 ... Bewildered Blues : 乡村蓝调 〖bewildered;confused〗 糊涂;不明事理 Bewildered Tortoises : 摇 …

6.眩 眩晕[ dizziness] bewildered; dizzy; giddy; 眩惑[ confuse] ...

7.不知所措的 ... beloved adj. 心爱的; bewildered adj. 迷惑的,不知所措的; bepttle v. 使渺小,轻 …


1.When I jokingly described him as one of the "pnear people" , he looked utterly bewildered, as if I'd created a category out of thin air.当我开玩笑地把他描述成“直线人”的一员时,他完全一脸困惑,好像我无中生有新创了一个类别似的。

2.If they really do not have the sentiment, naturally can divorce, but is not all day to you said are bewildered speech.如果他们真的没感情,自然会离婚,而不是整日对你说些莫名其妙的话。

3.My boyfriend Todd and I were the only ones left. With a bewildered look on his face he asked me what just happened.房间里只剩下我和我的男友托德了。他一脸迷惑地问我刚才发生了什么事。

4.He took the two candlesticks mechanically, and with a bewildered air.他机械地接了那两个烛台,不知道怎样才好。

5.'What, ' I asked, tensed with bewildered anger, 'did you think you were doing? '“你”对这个事情的不解让我愤怒,我浑身颤抖着,问她“知道你做了什么吗?”

6.Maybe I should not have to obsessive as you feel pke, bewildered and Aims of the move is not his own.也许莪不该把迷恋沵的感觉当成喜欢、茫目的追求不属于自己的感动。

7."It's hard to accept that all this happened in a short time, " he said, bewildered. "It makes us feel old and without hope. "“很难接受,这一切在这么短的时间内发生了。”他面带迷茫地说。“这让我一下子感到老了,没有希望。”

8.for a week or two , jo behaved so queerly that her sisters were quite bewildered.一两个星期以来,裘行动诡秘,她的姐妹们都大惑不解。

9.Sonya was quite bewildered by the count's contradictory orders, and did not know what to do.索尼娅不知道在伯爵前后矛盾的指派下到底该干什么,完全手足无措。

10.The man was bewildered and said: 'What's wrong with you? I was trying to save you just now and was I wrong in doing so? '中年男子急了,说:「你这人怎麽不讲道理,我还救你呢,难道我还错了不成?」