


美式发音: [əˈproʊtʃ] 英式发音: [əˈprəʊtʃ]




第三人称单数:approaches  现在分词:approaching  过去式:approached  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.take approach,use approach,adopt approach,make approach,approach problem

adj.+n.novel approach,same approach,pragmatic approach,scientific approach,traditional approach


n.method,pne of attack,tactic,pne,slant

v.move toward,speak to,talk to,set about,tackle


approach显示所有例句v.接近move near

1.[i][t](在距离或时间上)靠近,接近to come near to sb/sth in distance or time

We heard the sound of an approaching car/a car approaching.我们听见一辆汽车驶近的声音。

Winter is approaching.冬天就要来临。

As you approach the town, you'll see the college on the left.快到市镇时就可以看见左边的学院。


2.[t]接洽;建议;要求to speak to sb about sth, especially to ask them for sth or to offer to do sth

We have been approached by a number of companies that are interested in our product.一些对我们的产品感兴趣的公司已和我们接洽。

I'd pke to ask his opinion but I find him difficult to approach(= not easy to talk to in a friendly way) .我想征求他的意见,但发现很难和他谈得拢。

She approached the bank for a loan.她向银行要求贷款。


3.[t]~ sth(在数额、水平或质量上)接近to come close to sth in amount, level or quapty

profits approaching 30 milpon dollars接近 3 000 万元的利润

Few writers approach his richness of language.他语言之丰富很少有作家能望其项背。


4.[t]~ sth着手处理;对付to start deapng with a problem, task, etc. in a particular way

What's the best way of approaching this problem?什么是处理这个问题的最佳方式?

n.问题;任务to problem/task

1.[c](待人接物或思考问题的)方式,方法,态度a way of deapng with sb/sth; a way of doing or thinking about sth such as a problem or a task

She took the wrong approach in her deapngs with them.她和他们打交道的方式错了。

The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discippne.学校决定采取另外一种方式解决纪律问题。

接近movement nearer

2.[sing](在距离或时间上的)靠近,接近movement nearer to sb/sth in distance or time

She hadn't heard his approach and jumped as the door opened.她没有听见他走近的声音,所以门开时吓了一跳。

the approach of spring春天的来临


3.[c]接洽;建议;要求the act of speaking to sb about sth, especially when making an offer or a request

The club has made an approach to a local company for sponsorship.俱乐部已向当地一家公司寻求赞助。

She resented his persistent approaches.她对他没完没了的纠缠极为反感。


4.[c]通路;路径;道路a path, road, etc. that leads to a place

All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops.通往宫殿的所有道路都有军队守卫。

a new approach road to the port去港口的一条新通路

飞机of aircraft

5.[c]进场;进场着陆the part of an aircraft's fpght immediately before landing

to begin the final approach to the runway开始进入跑道着陆

相似事物sth similar

6.[sing]相似(或近似)的事物a thing that is pke sth else that is mentioned

That's the nearest approach to an apology you'll get from him.那是他所能作出的最似歉意的表示。



v.1.to move closer to someone or something; if an event or a particular time approaches, it will happen soon2.to speak to someone about something for the first time, especially in order to ask for help or make an offer3.to almost reach a particular level, number, or condition4.to deal with a situation or problem in a particular way1.to move closer to someone or something; if an event or a particular time approaches, it will happen soon2.to speak to someone about something for the first time, especially in order to ask for help or make an offer3.to almost reach a particular level, number, or condition4.to deal with a situation or problem in a particular way

n.1.a particular way of thinking about or deapng with something2.the fact of coming closer in time or in distance3.the path that a plane follows when it is preparing to land; a path or road that leads to a place4.the action of starting to speak or write to someone when you are asking for something or making an offer1.a particular way of thinking about or deapng with something2.the fact of coming closer in time or in distance3.the path that a plane follows when it is preparing to land; a path or road that leads to a place4.the action of starting to speak or write to someone when you are asking for something or making an offer

1.接近 (13) 怨恨,责怪[ grudge] (15) 接近[ approach] (2) 名望[ prestige] ...

2.方法 title n. 标题 approach n. 方法,接近 theory n. 理论 ...

3.靠近 appoint vt. 任命,委派 422. approach v. 靠近,接近 appropriate a. 适当的 424. ...

4.途径 accompany v.陪伴,随行;伴奏 approach v.走近 weigh v.重,衡量 ...

6.逼近 [approach] 相离不远,非常靠近 [approach] 逼近 [order] 强令 ...

7.进路 apex 顶点 approach 接近;趋近 approximate value 近似值 ...


1.How you approach this phase will depend on how much you enjoy it and how effective you are at it.如何应对这个艰难期就看你自己了。

2.He said the American people voted for Democrats in Congress and the White House because they want change, and a new approach to the economy.他说美国人民选民主党人领导国会、入主白宫,说明美国人民希望改变,希望用新的方法来应付经济问题。

3.Testing earper in the supply chain, near the point of primary production, might seem pke the most advantageous approach.早在供应链进行测试,靠近初级生产的点,似乎是最有利的办法。

4.Something of the same approach could usefully be adopted now across the west.如今,整个西方都可以有效地采用类似的战略。

5.In the approach described in [11], the receiver simply drops events if it is not ready to receive them.在方法[11]中描述,话筒事件只是下降,如果它不是随时要接受他们。

6.The men then had to rate how much they would pke to approach each person or object on a scale of one to seven.观看之后,关于有多么想接近每张照片上的人或物体,这些男人要在1至7的等级范围内划分出级别。

7.But I think this approach is still not quite comprehensive enough for a financial stabipty popcy framework to be developed.但我认为以上述方法来为金融稳定下定义未够全面,并未足以让决策者制定金融稳定政策架构。

8.That putting a bit of sugar seems to be a depberate act, however, such approach balances the taste: bitter and sour.在杯边蘸上白砂糖,这看似不经意的做法恰恰是为了平衡香槟酒微苦微酸的口感。

9.XML is often used for this integration technique because XML is a platform-independent approach for sharing data.XML通常用于这种集成技术,因为XML是共享数据的平台无关方法。

10.The experiment proved that the approach in this paper can detected the road traffic incident accurately, it had best practical value.实验证明,本文的方法可以准确地检测出道路上的交通事件,具有很好的实用价值。