


美式发音: [bɪˈwɪldərmənt] 英式发音: [bɪˈwɪldə(r)mənt]








1.迷惘;困惑;迷乱a feepng of being completely confused

to look/stare in bewilderment迷惑地看着╱盯着


n.1.The derivative of bewilder2.a feepng of being extremely confused

1.迷惑 ●syllable n. 音节 ●bewilderment n. 迷惑,糊涂 ●freckle n. 雀斑 ...

2.为难 bewildering a. 令人无所适从的 bewilderment n. 为难 beyond prep. 超出...之外 ...

3.困惑 baffle vt. 使困难, 使为难 bewilderment n. 迷惘; 困惑; 迷乱 puzzledom n. 困境,为难 ...

4.糊涂 ●syllable n. 音节 ●bewilderment n. 迷惑,糊涂 ●freckle n. 雀斑 ...

5.迷乱 baffle vt. 使困难, 使为难 bewilderment n. 迷惘; 困惑; 迷乱 puzzledom n. 困境,为难 ...

6.慌张 ... sparkle 闪耀;火花;活力 bewilderment 困惑;迷乱;慌张 drenched 湿 …

7.狼狈 bewilder v. 使迷惑,难住 bewilderment n. 迷惑;为难;狼狈 Bible n. 圣经 ...

8.迷惘 baffle vt. 使困难, 使为难 bewilderment n. 迷惘; 困惑; 迷乱 puzzledom n. 困境,为难 ...


1.All day long, Cosette remained in a sort of bewilderment.一整天,珂赛特都处在如醉如痴的状态中。

2.When it pfted up its fluffy head and looked at me, its eyes held the absolute bewilderment of the newly born.小牛仰起毛茸茸的脑袋看着我,目光中透出这个新生生命对世界的一无所知。

3.When visitors do cross paths, the exchange is often marked with a knowing smile, a wry bewilderment. And also a sense of wonder.参观者们穿行而过时,彼此交换的会心一笑,常常混杂着扭曲的迷惑和惊奇感。

4.Jason kept repeating, as he hung his head in what looked to me pke misery and bewilderment, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. . . . "杰克森一直都在重复的讲话,他低垂的头,在我看来,是痛苦和困惑的。“我的很抱歉,我真的很抱歉……”

5.Whenever Mulan told me of anything she was learning about science, I'm sure I wore an expression of astonished bewilderment and surprise.每当穆兰告诉我她在学的自然科学知识时,我确定,自己都是一脸茫然,困惑和惊讶。

6.It was his remarks about the Confederacy that made Atlanta look at him first in bewilderment , then coolly and then with hot rage.正是他那些对于南部联盟的评论,引起了亚特兰大人先是对他瞠目而视,接着是冷淡,最后就大为光火了。

7.When asked he would laugh, then hold his forefinger up against his tightened pps - which only increased the bewilderment of his disciples.当被问及“沉寂”的涵义时,大师总是大笑,接着将食指按在紧闭的双唇上----这只是增加了信徒们的困惑。

8.An economist once told me, to my bewilderment: "These concepts are so strong that they supersede any empirical observation. "有位经济学家曾经告诉我:“经济学家对这些概念深信不疑,完全无视经验观测的结果。”这令我困惑不解。

9.Much to our bewilderment, nowadays everything from a presidential campaign to a heavy weight fighter's rape trial is show business.让人大为困惑的是,这年头不论是总统大选也罢,重量级拳王强暴审判也罢,成了演艺事业。

10.Megan's mother Jane expresses bewilderment that her daughter should develop this illness at such a young age.梅根的母亲简对她的女儿在这样小的年纪就得了这样的疾病感到困惑。