



美式发音: [hɔɪst] 英式发音: [hɔɪst]




复数:hoists  现在分词:hoisting  过去式:hoisted  搭配同义词

v.+n.hoist flag






n.1.a piece of equipment with ropes that is used for pfting heavy objects

v.1.to pft someone or something to a higher place; to pft someone or something using special equipment2.to increase the amount or value of something3.The past tense of hoise

1.升起 ) hampered 阻碍,妨碍 ) hoisted 升起,提升 ) warrant 理由,原因,搜查令 ...

2.被吊起来 thunderous reception 雷鸣般的接待 hoisted 被吊起来 outdid 超越了 ...

3.提升 ) hampered 阻碍,妨碍 ) hoisted 升起,提升 ) warrant 理由,原因,搜查令 ...

4.被击晕的情况下被吊起 ... ) hampered 使...绝缘 ) hoisted 升高,起重机,推动 ) provoked 激怒, 惹起, 诱导 ...

6.举起起重机 ) motivated 构成动机促使 ) hoisted 举起起重机 2. disperse (强调过程) ...

7.被卷扬的 ... Internally Flawless: 内部洁净级|内部无瑕|内无瑕 hoisted: 被吊起来|被卷扬的 be hoisted integrally: 整体吊装 ...

8.被拉第二,所有的变数宣告都会直接被拉( hoisted )到同 scope 中的最前面执行(前置)。我们来看看一个简单的范例:这次 alert 的结 …


1.It would make his fortune, he thought, as he hoisted his patched sails and set his course toward the southwest.他扯起有补丁的船帆,开始向西南方向驶去,心想这下要发财了。

2.Items needed should always be hoisted up to you. To prevent the ladder from falpng, be sure to work within the side rails.所需要的物件应该吊起不是携带著爬梯。防止梯子倒下,要再有侧围栏的范围中工作。

3.As they slowly hoisted him back up to the roadside, numerous bystanders remarked at how amazingly lucky he was to not have been killed.当他们慢慢地把他抬回到路边的时候,许多围观者都惊呼他真是太幸运了,居然没死。

4.Without thinking, I just grabbed him by the collar and hoisted him to his feet. Then I took the woman's elbow and directed her to sit down.我不假思索地抓住那小子的衣领,把他拎了起来,然后扶着老太太的臂肘,引她坐到座位上。

5.Upon his arrival, the bride and groom are hoisted into the air and paraded around on the shoulders of their guests.到达之后,宾客列队将新婚男女扛在空中,绕场游行一番。

6.But the fact that it carries the new flag hoisted all over the east by the rebels suggests that it may just have switched allegiances.但从它扯起的新旗号遍布叛军治下的东部看来,不过是转投了新主子而已。

7.I boarded the five-story roof, bridge view view, see the sun has been hoisted in the air, just as the general .我登上了五层楼顶,极目眺望,看到夕阳已经悬挂在半空中了,就像玉盘一般。

8.corny kelleher opened the side doors and the gravediggers came in , hoisted the coffin again , carried it out and shoved it on their cart.科尼凯莱赫打开侧门,掘墓工进来,重新抬起棺材,抬出去装在他们的手推车上。

9.Recently, as I hoisted him on to my shoulders yet again, he called out, "How happy are we! "最近,当我一次次把他高高举上肩头时,他大叫,“我们真开心!”

10.Silence lasted for few seconds, and then Richard hoisted her up, turning to Eron to ask if there was a car available.静默了几秒钟,理查德把她打横抱起来,转身淡淡问道不好意思能不能帮我叫辆车。