




1.范怡文 · Rosso 红 · Bianco · Extra dry 干 ...

3.白葡萄酒 Rosso 红葡萄酒 Bianco 白葡萄酒 Rosato 桃红葡萄酒 ...

4.安可为欧洲著名的滑雪胜地、阿尔卑斯旅游中心,举世闻名的勃朗峰(Bianco)、切尔维诺山(Cervino)、玫瑰峰(Rosa)等著名的山峰 …

7.比安蔻 ... BARLETTA 巴列塔 BIANCO 比安蔻 BORDIGHERA 博蒂格拉 ...


1.I was already thinking of bringing him on and when Bianco got injured I threw him into the mix without a moment's hesitation.我早已有让他上场的打算,比安科受伤以后,我毫不迟疑地派他替补出场。

2.Raffaele Bianco : " I was sure, because I knew what I had to do. The coach asked me to press the ball bearer, I think I've done my job" .我相信(很自信),因为我知道什么我必须做。主教练要求我给对方持球球员压力,我认为我完成了任务。

3.Mr. Bianco says he will have to discuss this with Mr. Arnott. 'Rob is one of the best minds in the business, ' Mr. Bianco says.比安科说,他将和阿诺特讨论这个问题。他还说,阿诺特是这个行业里最聪明的人之一。

4.Naxi bread is a mix of an Itapan pizza bianco and a pretzel, dusted with sesame seeds, scalpons, chips, garpc and Sichuan peppercorn.纳西饼。这种美食有点儿像意大利的白味比萨,又有点儿像椒盐卷饼,上面撒着芝麻、葱花、辣椒、蒜末和花椒。

5.Share prices are also now in a sweet spot for a revival of deals, says David Bianco, an equity strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.美国美林银行的政权分析师DavidBianco称对收购交易恢复来说,现在的股票价格也非常合适。

6.Mr. Bianco recommends investors look at regional sales to determine how evenly companies' currency exposure is spread .比安科建议投资者考察地区销售情况以确定公司目前的外汇风险是否分配得均衡。

7.Plantings are extensive in Italy, where the grape is known as pinot bianco.在意大利,白比诺的种植面积较为广泛,在那里,白比诺也被称为。

8."The odds greatly favour the bulls, " said David Bianco, BofA-Merrill Lynch chief US equity strategist.美国银行美林首席美国股票策略师大卫?比安科(DavidBianco)表示:“胜负几率明显有利于做多者。”

9.She already had her shopping pst planned before the trip: Louis Vuitton, Ferragamo, Dior and Monte Bianco.旅行前,李小姐就已经列好购物单:路易•威登、菲拉格慕和迪奥。

10.First, Mr. Bianco would adjust the way corporate earnings are calculated.首先,比安科会调整公司收益的计算方式。