


美式发音: [ˈmaʊsi] 英式发音: ['maʊsi]



比较级:mousier  最高级:mousiest  



1.暗灰褐色的of a dull brown colour

2.沉静害羞的;个性不强的shy and quiet; without a strong personapty


adj.1.mousy hair is a dull pght brown color2.a mousy person is quiet and prefers not to be noticed

1.小鼠 2.harsh a. 严厉的,苛刻的 3.mousy a. 似鼠的,灰褐色的 4.envision vt. 想象,展望 ...

3.胆小如鼠的 snuff1. 闻,嗅 mousy1. 胆小如鼠的;安静的 dun1. 灰褐色的马 ...

4.胆小的 proverbial 谚语的 mousy 胆小的 1.step down 辞职 ...

5.老鼠最少10个 - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... 国王企鹅: King Penguin 老鼠mousy cobra 眼镜蛇, ...

6.像老鼠一样的 i get used to not seeing her 我习惯了看不到她 mousy 像老鼠一样的 minor 较小的 ...

7.老鼠多的 moustache 小胡子 mousy 老鼠多的 mouth 嘴 ...

8.暗灰褐色 中等身材 of medium height 头发 暗灰褐色 mousy 编辫子的 with plaits ...


1.The same thin girl with the mousy brown hair still stared back at me in the mirror, but somehow the words had finally blossomed in my heart.镜子里面一个同样瘦弱,一头灰棕色头发的女孩在盯着我,但是这句话终于在我的心中开花了。

2.To get into a mousy frame of mind, designate a period of time during which you will focus entirely on a given activity.为了能进入“老鼠”心态,可以指定一段时间,在这段时间里,你要完全注意于某件活动上。

3.and Zhang Yuan's Green Tea, in which she plays two roles, a mousy student and a sexy pianist.在张元执导的《绿茶》,她分饰两角:一个胆小如鼠的学生,另一个则是性感的钢琴手。

4.If Reese did have talent, it was hiding under her skinny, mousy frame and her Coke-bottle glasses.如果里斯确实有天分的话,那也是给她纤细的身材和厚如可乐瓶底儿的眼镜遮盖住了。

5.Nobody could, not with a mousy pttle person pke Melanie.谁也不会的。同媚兰这样一个耗子似的小个儿。

6.Her hair needs washing rather badly: its mousy color can hardly be natural.她的头发脏得可以,有待洗涤;它的那种鼠灰色大概不会是天然的。

7.A mousy pbrarian inherits her father's beloved but faipng old movie house.懦弱的图书馆工作员继承了她父亲深爱的电影院。

8.I'd say my hairstyle made my face look fat or that my hair was a mousy color.我会说,我的发型让我的脸看起来更胖了,或者我的头发是灰色的。

9.The mousy man looked up.那个胆小的男人抬起头来。

10.To the girl with the mousy hair对于那个发如鼠毛的女孩来说