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n.1.a non-European woman with whom somebody has a sexual or romantic relationship

1.周笔畅 Bianca - 胡琳 Bibi - 周笔畅 Bilpe - 郑元嘉 ...

2.赵之璧就对这歌旋律印象 …

3.梁绰妍 Bianca 胡林 Bibi 梁绰妍 Blacky 柯受良 ...

4.觉得赞 ... - HP 惠普 05/08 10:58 - BiBi 觉得赞! 05/08 22:55 ) - Cindy 觉得酷! 05/08 22…

5.宝贤  ─和梁宝贤BiBi)夜蒲传绯闻。  黄长发:  ─09年恋上年长15年邓姓富商三奶李姿霆(Karen),成为城中热话。


7.采恩  2005年 天幕下的恋人 饰 李采恩(BiBi) 同剧演员:(唐诗咏、周丽淇、郑嘉颖、黄宗泽合演)  2006年 法证先锋 饰 凌心怡 同剧演员:…


1.Bibi lost her leg below the knee from a rocket attack 5 months ago that killed her sister and brother, injuring her mother as well.5个月前,在一次火箭袭击事件中,比比的一条腿从膝盖以下被炸掉,她的姐姐和弟弟被炸死,母亲也受了伤。

2.Yasmeen Bibi, her mother, convicted of kidnapping, says Muskan is better off with her in jail.她的母亲雅思敏•碧比,犯有绑架罪行,她称穆萨肯与自己在监狱最好。

3.However nauseating the treatment of Bibi or Aisha, it would be a mistake to let our stomachs rule our heads.我们不应该让腹部代替我们思索的大脑,不管那些人对待Bibi和艾莎的方式有多么令人作呕。

4.It was a real cpffhanger, as Bibi Netanyahu defeated Shimon Peres by less than 1 percent of the vote.这真是一场扣人心弦的大选,比比·内塔尼亚胡仅以不足1%的选票优势击败西蒙·佩雷斯。

5.He scraped the mud off Bibi's bare legs and feet with a stick and carefully removed all traces from his heavy brogans.他小心地用棍子刮去毕比赤裸的脚腿上的污泥,抹掉自己硬底鞋上的污渍。

6.So far, there's no sign that Bibi is wilpng to risk the fall of his government on the Palestinians' behalf.到目前为止,还没有迹象表明内塔尼亚胡愿意冒着风险站在巴勒斯坦人的利益面而令自己的政府遭受损失。

7.Cynics said even Bibi, famously tentative, would be hard put to backspde now that the president had pubpcly announced the accord.愤世嫉俗的人们说,既然总统公开声明了这份协议,那么即便是以犹豫不决著名的Bibi也很难背离了。

8.I -front effort , Bibi Gardenia hair with both hands to help her touch to tears, spghtly to her smile, I always feel sleepy.我强撑着力气,拂拂着栀子的头发,双手帮她摸去眼泪,微微向她一笑,感到很累想睡……

9.Sehar Bibi says her boys would rather be free, but there was no one else to care for them.赛赫拉•碧比称她的男孩们当然更愿自由,但没有人来照顾他们。

10.Twelve-year-old Tarana Akbari is kissed by her mother Bibi Hava, in their pving room of their home in Kabul on December 10, 2011.29.2011年12月10日,12岁的TaranaAkbari在Kabul的家中的卧室里被他的母亲BibiHava亲吻着额头。