




1.搭帐蓬 露营区 : camp area 搭帐蓬: set up a tent 唱歌: sing songs ...

2.搭起帐篷 set up 竖起,搭起 set up a tent 搭起帐篷 set up a flag 升旗 ...

3.支取帐篷 ... 9.Let us sing. 我们唱歌吧。 10.Set up a tent. 支取帐篷。 11.Ask a question. 问个问题。 ...

4.搭建帐篷 ... come into effect 开始生效、实施 set up a tent 搭建帐篷 set an example to sb 给…树立榜样 ...


1.The government played shady games, pke not giving him a venue or not letting him set up a tent in the rainy weather.政府暗地捣鬼,比如不给他一个容身之所或是在雨天不让他支起帐篷。

2.When the sun started to go down, he stopped and set up a tent.太阳开始下山了,他停下来,竖起帐篷。

3.A few meters from the Risheq home, protesters have set up a tent where they have been staging a sit-in for months.距离艾伊达住房仅几米远的地方,抗议人士打起了帐篷,在那里静坐抗议已经长达几个月了。

4.He set up a tent on the outskirts of town, behind the dunes, not far from the house of Espinosa's widow.他在镇子的郊外,离寡妇埃斯皮诺萨家不远处的一座沙丘后面搭了个帐篷。

5.Last week we set up a tent on the balcony with every fluffy blanket, pillow, and feather duvet we could find.上周我们在阳台上竖起了一个帐篷,将我们找到的毛绒绒的毯子、枕头和羽绒被带了进去。

6.We set up a tent and made a bonfire.我们成立了一个帐篷,并提出了篝火。

7.Chinese workers set up a tent for the post-ceremony festivities.中国工人为仪式之后的欢庆活动搭建帐篷。

8.So she and her husband set up a tent in a central Beijing park.所以她和她丈夫在北京中心公园支起帐篷过起了流浪生活。

9.The travelers set up a tent after they had walked for nearly two hours.那群旅行者在行走了近两个小时后搭起了帐篷。

10.They set up a tent near the seashore.他们在海滨附近搭起了一个帐篷。