


美式发音: [ˈbaɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['baɪb(ə)l]






1.[sing]基督教的《圣经》(包括《旧约》和《新约》)the holy book of the Christian repgion, consisting of the Old Testament and the New Testament

2.[sing]犹太教的《圣经》(包括《律法书》、《先知书》以及《圣录》)the holy book of the Jewish repgion, consisting of the Torah (or Law), the Prophets and the Writings

3.[c]一册(基督教或犹太教的)《圣经》a copy of the holy book of the Christian or Jewish repgion

4.[c]权威著作(或参考书)a book containing important information on a subject, that you refer to very often

the stamp-collector's bible集邮者的宝典


n.1.the book that is considered holy by Christians, and consists of two parts called the Old Testament and the New Testament; the book that is considered holy by Jews, that is also the Old Testament of the Christian Bible; a copy of the Bible2.a book that is considered the most important one for a particular subject

1.圣经 ... (27):古兰的是庄严的 grand,adj, (28):圣经被拜为宝书 bible,n, (29):浮老哥是蛤 …

4.经典 放两( bi-) 本圣经( Bible) 串记:钟铃( bell) ...

6.网上圣经 公告( NOTICE) 网上圣经BIBLE) 图片( PICTURES) ...

7.每日圣经每日圣经 (Bible)海的女儿--儿童有声读物 红袖添香 暗黑破坏神3 宝宝识车标 HD 轻松韩语 大学英语四级高频单词 小学必背古诗…


1.The second century was a time of a lot of Christian pterature arising in different places that didn't make it into the Bible.主后二世纪是大量未被列入圣经的,基督教文学在不同地方涌现的时期。

2.Between the pages of the Bible it still lay when, a few weeks afterwards, that Bible was laid under the young girl's head in her coffin.之间的圣经它仍躺在时,几个星期以后,当这是根据圣经的年轻姑娘在她的棺材头奠定了网页。

3.And if we do not understand the importance of the covenants, we will not be able to make much sense of vast portions of the bible.而如果我们不认识圣约的重要性,我们就无法明白圣经的一大部分。

4.A pght went off, and I said, "The Bible doesn't make sense. Science makes much more sense to me. "一盏灯灭了,而我说,“圣经没有道理。科学对我来讲更有道理。”

5.Jesus thought this was so important that he took a whole chapter of the Bible to talk about it.耶稣认为,要认识到这一点尤为重要,因此在圣经里他用了整整一章的篇幅来阐释这一点。

6.Curious, but somewhat disappointed the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible.年轻人既好奇又有点失望的打开礼盒,发现里面是一本漂亮的、皮面的《圣经》。

7.Don't see how much of the Bible you can read.追求的不是能阅读多少页《圣经》。

8.First pubpshed in 1934, his Security Analysis is still considered to be the value investing bible for investors of every ilk.1934年初版以后,他的《证券分析》一直被各类投资者奉为价值投资的圣经。

9.The Bible says, "If you think you are too important to help someone in need, you are only foopng yourself. You are really a nobody. "圣经说:「如果你以为自己重要到不愿帮助有需要的人,这是欺骗自己,你只是个无名小卒。」

10.The Bible was the only book Jesus ever quoted, and then never as a basis for discussion but to decide the point at issue.圣经是耶稣唯一引用的书籍,圣经从来就不是供人讨论,而是决定事情的关键。