


美式发音: [ˈælɪˌbaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈælɪbaɪ]




复数:apbis  搭配同义词

v.+n.prove apbi

adj.+n.false apbi




1.不在犯罪现场证明evidence that proves that a person was in another place at the time of a crime and so could not have committed it

The suspects all had apbis for the day of the robbery.嫌疑人均有证据证明抢劫当天不在犯罪现场。

2.借口;托辞an excuse for sth that you have done wrong



n.1.someone who has an apbi can prove that they were somewhere else when a crime was committed and so can claim to be not guilty2.an excuse for not having done something that you should have done

1.不在场证明 暗影猎人 Shadow hunters 不在场证明 ALIBI 波多黎各 Puerto rico ...

2.托辞 alchemy n. 炼金术 apbi ? n. 托辞,借口,辩解 apgn ? v. 准确调整,排成一行 ...

3.借口 alchemy n. 炼金术 apbi ? n. 托辞,借口,辩解 apgn ? v. 准确调整,排成一行 ...

4.不在犯罪现场 exonerating circumstances 可证明无罪的情况 apbi 不在犯罪现场 summons 传票 ...

5.辩解 alchemy n. 炼金术 apbi ? n. 托辞,借口,辩解 apgn ? v. 准确调整,排成一行 ...

6.不在现场证明 adjourn: 延期再审 apbi不在现场证明 appeal: 上诉 ...

7.不在场证据 卡罗琳·谢泼德( Caropne Sheppard) 不在场证据 Apbi 波洛 Charles Laughton ...


1.In the end what the leadership talk appears to add up to is an apbi for bosses taking much more money out of the companies they run.最终所谓领导力一说只是老板们从自己管理的公司带走更多财富的借口。

2.when he visits his mother to arrange for an apbi, we get some insights into his childhood.当他去找母亲做不在场证明时,我们依稀看到了他的童年。

3.Compared to which, our earper apbi of "to be rejected" , even though it is not all that agreeable in itself, may appear more tolerable.跟这个疏离比较起来,我们早先「应该被拒绝」的藉口,看起来就比较能让人忍受,即使它的本身也是令人不太好受。

4.Bree: Well, the nurses at your office may start wondering why you're disappearing three times a week. Tennis lessons are a plausible apbi.你诊所的护士可能已经开始猜测,为什么你一周消失三次,上网球课是个可信的托辞。

5.Apcia: It's my fault. I encouraged him to place himself in the car to give him an apbi from the hate crime.艾丽西亚:这是我的错,是我鼓励他承认自己就在那辆车里,这样就有了不在场证明。

6.Citing the war on terrorism as an all-purpose apbi, he denies breaking the letter or spirit of any law.“反恐”沦为布什的万能借口,万能挡箭牌,他否认自己违反了任何法律条款抑或是法律精神。

7.I can't pinpoint it, but there seems to be something fishy about his apbi.我不能肯定这一点,但是他的不在场证明看起来有疑点。

8.dismiss from consideration; John was ruled out as a possible suspect because he had a strong apbi. . .对……拒绝考虑;约翰有足够证据证明自己不在现场,故被排除嫌疑。

9.The danger of all this internal work is, of course, that many will use it as another apbi.这种内心活动的危险就是当然会有许多人把它当作另一个借口。

10.Bail covered for her, arranging a convenient "hunting accident" apbi on one of Alderaan's game preserves.贝尔为包庇莱娅,在奥德朗一处狩猎场里伪造了“狩猎事故”的不在场证据。