





6.搜索公司百度了痛苦的选择,退出了中国市场。从那之后,中国本土的搜索公司百度(BIDU)就一路高歌猛进了。MSCBSC 移动通信论坛7g.…

7.搜索网站百度  中国最大的搜索网站百度(BIDU)上涨了2.4%,至88.13美元,创两个月来单日最大涨幅。 上海移动晶片开发商展讯通信(SPRD) …


1.BIDU: Baidu will consider some strategic and certain vertical M&A opportunities.百度:百度将视一些战略或垂直并购为发展机遇。

2.Google's decision could be a big boost to local rival Baidu Inc. (BIDU) in the world's largest and fastest-growing Internet market.谷歌这一决定有可能为中国本土网络搜索引擎公司百度(BaiduInc.)带来有力推动。目前中国是全球最大而且增长最快的互联网市场。

3.We also think that as BIDU aggressively expands into new businesses with new offerings, execution risk potentially becomes more of an issue.此外,随着百度积极拓展,推出新产品进入新业务领域,我们认为执行风险也可能成为更大的问题。

4.Google (GOOG) may be offering free music downloads in China, but rival Baidu. com (BIDU) has its sights on the country's untapped audiences.歌(Google)在中国提供免费的音乐下载服务,但竞争对手百度(Baidu网址被屏蔽)则着眼于中国尚未开发的用户群体。

5.Whenever you're bothered by insects be sure to use Bidu Pest Spray!当你们被小虫子,骚扰时,请使用Bidu牌杀虫喷雾。

6.BIDU: We will put more focus on it, but the major revolution in this sector will be apppcation-driven.百度:我们肯定会投入更多精力在上面,但在这个领域的革新肯定会被应用所决定。

7.More than 70% of the young people we interviewed said they use search engines such as Baidu (BIDU) to find out more about products.多于70%的被采访青年说他们用搜索引擎例如百度来寻找关于产品的更多信息。

8.BIDU: Developers pke it, and users pke it.百度:开发者和用户都喜欢这个平台。