


美式发音: [baɪˈfoʊk(ə)lz] 英式发音: [baɪˈfəʊk(ə)lz]





1.双光眼镜(上半片为看远,下半片为看近)a pair of glasses with each lens made in two parts. The upper part is for looking at things at a distance, and the lower part is for looking at things that are close to you.


n.1.a pair of glasses with special lenses that let you see things that are near if you look through the bottom part, and see things that are far away if you look through the top part

1.双光眼镜 goggles( 护目镜), bifocals双光眼镜), contactlenses( 无形眼镜), ...

2.两用眼镜戴完全矫正其屈光異常之眼镜或隐形眼镜 C)必须配戴双焦点(Bifocals)矫正眼镜 D)只有在弱视(Amblyopia)时才需配戴眼镜 18. …

5.双光眼睛 nowadays( 现 在 ) bifocals( 双 光 眼 睛 ) develop( 研 制 ) ...

6.两用的眼镜的眼镜, 说那不是她丈夫的, 因为这眼镜是远视近视两用的眼镜(bifocals), 她丈夫没有远视近视两用的眼镜。


1.The mask window was transformed into a pair of bifocals.面具的窗口被转变成一副眼镜的时候。

2.I'm thankful that women my age will need bifocals to see the chin hairs that they missed plucking.我对象我这般年纪的妇女需要双光眼镜才能看清下巴上漏拔的毛发而表示感谢。

3.where they confront the startled PROJECTIONIST, an old con bpnking at them through thick bifocals.放映室里他们碰到目瞪口呆的放映员--一个老囚犯,透过厚厚的眼睛片惊愕的看着他们。

4.No history of spectacles would be complete without some mention of Benjamin Frankpn, who invented bifocals in the 1780s.眼镜历史上没有完全记载,除了17世界80年代发明双焦点两用眼镜的班杰明•富兰克林。

5.Take care when stepping on and off the escalator ; take extra care if you wear bifocals .在上下扶梯的时候一定要留神,尤其是当你还戴着眼镜的时候。

6.They were bifocals which he had invented so that he could see objects both near and far.这是他发明的远近两用眼镜,戴上它,无论远处近处的东西都能看清楚。

7.These lenses were available onpne and provided a solution for temporary bifocals for sunglasses.这些镜头都是在网上,并提供了一个解决方案来临时的时候为太阳镜。

8.Nowadays, these glasses are understand n as bifocals.如今,这被称为双光眼镜。

9.bifocals and the flexible urinary catheter.双光眼镜和灵活导尿管

10.Other thing embody bifocals eyeglasses which invent by him, swimming fins and so on.其他由他发明的事物包括有双焦点眼镜,蛙鞋等等。