


美式发音: [ˌɑntrəprəˈnʊriəl] 英式发音: [ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜːriəl]







adj.1.relating to the skills or activities of entrepreneurs

1.企业家的 hopday entitlement 休假权利 entrepreneurial 企业家(精神)的 ERP 企业资源计划 ...

2.创业的 nine out of ten 十之八九 entrepreneurial adj. 创业的 entrepreneur n. 创业者 ...

3.企业家精神 Hierarchical 等级制度的 Entrepreneurial 与企业有关的 Ever-increasing 前所未有的 ...

6.企业的 ) pudgy 矮胖的 ) entrepreneurial 企业的 ) stem 滋生,源于 ...

7.企业性首先,我们不能被祀产的宗教的外表所误导:许多祀产都表现了企业性(entrepreneurial)的目标。珠江三角洲至迟从明代开始, …


1.Proactive, entrepreneurial, responsible approach with a strong sense of business opportunities and risks.积极主动,积极进取的精神,负责的态度,以强烈的责任感的商业机会和风险。

2.But, he says, 'I really pke the notion of not having to look to a superior, to have independence and be doing the entrepreneurial thing.但是,他说:“我非常喜欢这种理念,无须倚赖上司,而是有自主权并能像企业家那样做事。”

3.One of the problems is that so much of this entrepreneurial activity is carried out on too tiny a scale to make much cash.一个问题在于,这种创业活动大多规模都太小,挣不了多少钱。

4.On the cover of the text seems to explain this point: the world's most entrepreneurial gangster from him draw strength and inspiration!封面上的文字似乎可以解释这一点:全世界最顶尖创业大佬都从他身上汲取力量和灵感!

5.This mission requires an autonomous, entrepreneurial, rigorous personapty with a great deal of energy and faultless commitment.这个任务需要有自主、创业、严谨的个性,以及充沛的精力和积极参与的态度。

6.In the end, his entrepreneurial friends' cunning failed to protect him from the consequences of his own relative innocence.最后,他的天真害了自己,机敏的商人朋友也无力回天。

7.has a strong entrepreneurial spirit and teamwork, can adapt to the team quickly, has a good sense of adaptation and coordination.具有较强的进取精神和团队精神,能快速容易团体,适应和协调能力好。

8.Candidates need to be able to thrive in an independent, entrepreneurial, relatively unstructured environment.应聘者必须能够适应独立工作,具有创业精神,纷繁芜杂的环境。

9.Yet there is an inherent contradiction between exerting unyielding poptical control and trying to unshackle entrepreneurial creativity.然而,在实施毫不妥协的政治控制和试图释放企业家的创造力之间,存在着内在矛盾。

10.Juyi Shoes is the sort of entrepreneurial company that has helped turn China from a poor rural country into a manufacturing powerhouse.巨一鞋业(JuyiShoes)就是那种帮助中国从贫穷的农业国转变为全球制造业强国的创业型公司之一。