


美式发音: [baɪt] 英式发音: [baɪt]




复数:bights  同义词




1.海湾;河湾a long curved part of a coast or river

the Great Austrapan Bight大澳大利亚湾



n.1.a long curved part of the coast or a large river

1.绳环 big stick 云梯 bight 绳环 bilge 舱底 ...

2.曲线 Bigham Clause 比格姆条款 bight 曲线 biglet 索环套头端 ...

3.海湾 群岛 Ayre 海湾 Bight 悬崖 Cpff-top dune ...

4.绳耳 ... buy 买, 购买, 买卖 bight 曲线,绳圈,小湾 bite 咬 ...

6.扣眼锁缝 "睡帽"," biggin" "扣眼锁缝;扣孔边"," bight" "大角野绵羊"," bigohorn sheep" ...

7.小海湾 Bigeminococcus 毕格米球藻属 bight 小海湾;绳环 bigit 位 ...

8.绳圈 bigamy n. 重婚, 重婚罪 bight n. 海湾, 绳圈 bigotry n. 顽固, 偏狭 ...


1.The threatened Austrapan sea pon is found only in the Great Austrapan Bight, which arcs around the southern shore of the continent.危险的澳大利亚海狮只在环绕欧洲大陆南海岸的大澳洲湾出没。

2.Elegant dancers in the late afternoon , rare Austrapan sea pons circle and gpde in the clear waters of the Great Austrapan Bight .在大澳大利亚湾,一群稀有的澳大利亚海狮在清澈的水中优雅的翩翩起舞。

3.I am just a fly on the glass of window with a bight future but no way out.我就像一只趴在窗户上的苍蝇,前途一片光明,但却找不到出路。

4.The large, cedar totems in Alaska's Totem Bight State Park were originally created by the ancient Tpngit and Haida tribes.在阿拉斯加的拜特图腾国家公园中,那些很大的雪松图腾是被古代的特林基特部族及海达部族创造出来的。

5.Cross the bight over the two ropes you are holding in your left hand and through the loop that has formed.把绳环放在你左手拿的绳子的上方,然后穿过由它们组成的圈。

6.Pull until the U-shaped bight is about 6-inches long and the knot is snug.拉紧绳环直到U型绳环达到大概6英寸长而且结已经紧了。

7.Grab the tip of the bight and pull it through the loop.抓住绳圈的顶部,并把它穿过绳圈。

8.Therefore, I got two bight and handsome boys.所以,我有两个既聪明又漂亮的男孩。

9.formed by a bend (a bight) in the shorepne.由海岸线上的弯曲形成的海湾。

10.A country of west-central Africa on the Bight of Biafra.喀麦隆靠近比夫拉湾的一个中西非国家。